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I stood in the dressing room at the Jimmy Fallon Show. I held two jackets in my hands. The first one, a nice black suit jacket, the other a black leather jacket. He stood staring at me, one eyebrow lifted up. He was wearing a red t-shirt and black jeans.

" Really, nothing flashy today? "

"No, just pick a jacket. Either will go well."

"Are you okay?"

" Fine. Just pick a jacket Lin. They called you five minutes ago. "

He grabbed the leather jacket and put it on while I hung the other up. I stepped up to him and fixed the collar, then ran my hands down his arms. As I brushed the jacket across his chest, I looked up into his chocolate brown eyes and we smiled at each other. His hands settled onto my shoulders. I bit my lip not thinking, his eyes darted down to my mouth and then up to my eyes. He started to lean in. A knock on the door sounded and I spun away. He sighed and walked to the door. The intern smiled, "They are ready for you Mr Miranda."

" Sure," he turned back to me, "Coming out to watch Leah?"

The intern cleared their voice, "She can watch the feed on the screen. Won't miss a thing."

" Go on Lin. I need to clean up in here. " I moved to pick up his discarded clothing, not looking at him.

" Ok, " he said and left the dressing room with the intern.

I waited until the door latched before I let out a shaky breath. We had come so close to kissing again. The last month we had gotten into moments of closeness that hadn't been there before. Six weeks ago, we had been getting ready for his appearance on James Corden. I had slipped on the tile floor in my boots and he had grabbed me around the waist to catch me. He pulled me to his side and I couldn't breath. I stared into his eyes and then his mouth was on mine. For a split second, then I was pulling away. I wanted him to not stop, but he had to stop. He was my client. He was married.

Since then, every time we touched, there was a spark. A look, he would put his hands on me and I would bite my lip, longing to feel his lips again.I picked up his grey hoodie and brought it up to my nose to smell his scent, warm and spicy, definitely Lin -Manuel Miranda. I folded it and laid it on the chair with the blue t-shirt he had been wearing. I looked up at the screen as Jimmy Fallon appeared.

"We are back. My next guest is a very good friend, he just finished directing his second feature film, this time the retelling of the classic Jazz Singer. Ladies and Gentlemen, Lin-Manuel Miranda..."

I watched as he walked out. Damn that jacket looked so good with the red t-shirt. I was glad I had brought that along. I made myself busy as I listened to the interview. I packed up the suit jacket then I heard Jimmy say.

" Buddy, I must say you have been looking so good lately. Have you gotten a stylist to help you out? "

"Actually, all the credit goes to my personal assistant Leah Slater. She has been with me about a year. We met when she told me on Twitter that she could dress me better than I could myself. I took it as a personal challenge. As did she."

"I must say, she is making you look good. She here with you?"

" Jimmy, you aren't stealing my assistant"

The crowd laughed and I turned away from the screen, shaking my head. I listened to the rest of the interview as I used my iPad to check the schedule and where we were headed next. He was headed home for the week after this and I would be off a couple of days unless something changed. Ten minutes later the door opened and Lin walked in with Jimmy in tow. I stood up from my seat.

" You must be Leah, " he said fist taping mine.

"Nice to meet you," I said as Lin shrugged out of the jacket. I took it and hung it up.

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