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Yayyy! Double digits 💕

Cora's POV

It was now late at night, Christian still had not come back.

Paisley and I were sitting at the kitchen island drinking tea. She said it would calm me down but I was still very nervous.

"He's gonna be so mad...he is mad I can feel it...he's furious in fact, definitely raging" I rambled on.

Paisley put a hand in my shoulder, "I'm sure he's not that mad"

I gave her a look...just a look, so she can think about herself and her statement.

"Okay well maybe he's-"

"He's here" I cut her off.

"I'm out" Paisley said, picking up her tea and walking out, exchanged with a very angry looking Christian walking in. See this is when he scared me the most.

Christian's POV

Anger, anger is all I felt. When I saw her, I couldn't imagine what she was thinking to possibly do what she did.

She backed up with every step I took forward. Until she had hit the wall. I didn't want to say anything, I knew if I said something it'll all come pouring out.

She looked up at me, regret all over her face.

I brushed past her and started walking up the stairs. Before I could enter our room, she grabbed my wrist.

Cora's POV

"Who is Kaldun?" I asked him, I had to know.

"Not now Cora" he gritted

"Just tell me" I pushed, curiosity getting the better of me.

He took away his wrist but I grabbed it again, what I didn't expect was for him to use the same hand to grab me. He pulled me right into his chest.

"The fucking vampire who put Keths boys into a coma, did you know that?" He seethed , in a menacingly low voice

"The same fucking vampire who because of your damn stupidity almost took you"

I tried wriggling my arm out of his grip, now uncomfortable with his tone.

"THE SAME FUCKING VAMPIRE WHO KILLED MY SISTER" Christian roared, his grip only got tighter with every word.

I looked away from his eyes because they were now black. He was scaring me.

"Let me go, Christian" I said, the sobs piercing through my words.

He let me go, and I ran out. Back to the same place.

The same guest room I always ran to.

The same guest room I always cried in.

How pathetic

I curled up under the cold blankets and cried.

It was my fault, everything. Poor Parker and Peeta. Poor Keth and Paisley.

Christians feelings of pain and rage invaded my own. I fell asleep sobbing, trying to keep them in at no avail.


"Cora?" A voice said, before shaking me lightly.

"Cora wake up"

I woke up , to the face of Paisley. She smiled a tight lipped smile.

"Come see the boys with me?" She suggested.

"Okay" I said, slightly numb.

I made my way to the bathroom and washed my face. I tried using cold water since my eyes were fairly puffy from crying.

When i was done changing, Paisley and I walked to the front door. Before I left I linked Christian telling him where I was going.

It was still early morning hours but I knew he was awake.

When Paisley and I arrived at the hospital, we walked into the room.

They boys looked okay I guess, besides the bruises were healing further as we spoke. I sat down beside Peeta, clearing hair out of his closed eyes. I felt so bad, we should have just all shifted and ran.

They were still in a coma.

We sat there for about 39 mins.

And that's when Christian walked in. "Let's go, see your mom" Christian said, Fixing his jacket. He didn't look at me and I think I officially felt the worst.

Once Christian had walked out I kissed both boys on the head. I hugged Paisley goodbye and said be safe.

"He's only mad that you could've gotten hurt Cora" Paisley whispered in my ear.

"No he isn't, he's mad that I put the boys in danger, to probably one of his worst enemies" I sighed, knowing the truth

"Even if that is the case I bet he'll be kissing you by noon" Paisley winked


The drive was long, I knew it would be long.

I just thought this time around we'd be chatting.

I didn't know if I should say sorry or just keep quiet. So I chose the option that would take less courage and just sat there.

I put the radio on and Adele started playing. It was too drowning so I just turned it off.

I looked at Christian. He had his sun glasses on and his gaze was fixated on the path ahead.

Since there was nothing better to do, I leaned my head against the door and slept.

Falling, I woke up to falling and then being caught.

Once I was stabilized he let go and started walking to the house.

I followed behind him quickly and he knocked. We waited at the porch as I thought about what he just did.

"Maybe opening the door I was sleeping on wasn't the best idea, genius" I muttered, softly.

The door opened and the lady I missed so much stood there.

"Mom!" I exclaimed, leaping into her arms.

"Oh Cora, my love" She spoke, gentle as ever. Rubbing my back.

I missed her so much.

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