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Cora's POV
My Saturday ended with me packing away all my new clothes into my cupboards. Before I slept being completely exhausted with the day.

I slept with a smile on my face because before I fell asleep Christian whispered that we'd go see my mom in a week. Which excited me so much I almost couldn't fall asleep but I did.


I was now outside picking some flowers in the meadow a bit far from the house but still in range.

I wanted to get some pretty flowers and I couldn't sleep much last night that's why I'm up so early. Christian is still asleep.

The flowers were plain so I decided to venture a little further, I ran in human form so I'd be quick.

I wanted to get back to spend more time with Christian since tomorrow it's Monday again, which means he's out.

When I started seeing a prettier range in flowers I stopped , picking out some more and quickly making my way back.

Before I had made it any further a dark grey wolf jumped out, growling and hissing at me.

His scent invaded my nose. It was a rogue! But so close on Christian's land? I wondered.

The wolf walked towards me and I screamed, not afraid to be afraid. I wasn't taking any chances I screamed for Christian. And I knew he was coming.

The wolf launched at me, but my wolf force shifted before the attack hit my flesh.

The rogues teeth bit me, and I cried. Prying the wolf off with most of my strength which was mostly in vain.

The wolfs saliva dripped onto my fur, it's mouth still open from the growling.

I cowered away and waited for anymore attacks but didn't receive any. When I open I my eyes Christian is ripping at the rogue and I choose not watch. I turn away, licking my injured paw.

Christian's wolf growls behind me, before bumping at my behind with his head to move forward I did as told and walked back home.

Christian shifted back almost immediately and growled "shift"

I did as told and shifted back, what I didnt expect next was for him to pin me up against a wall and sink his extended canines into my skin. On my neck.

I screamed, instantly! Goddess that was the most painful thing I've ever imagined. He didn't remove his teeth and I pushed at his shoulders to stop. It hurt so bad, I started audibly sobbing.

He finally let go, his eyes were so wide and his lips were parted.

I didn't understand what he just did.
"WHAT THE FUCK CHRISTIAN!"I yelled, still sobbing. Still in shock from the rogue attack. No longer in pain though as I placed my hand over the already healed wound.

Though I couldn't stop crying it felt as if I was having a panic attack.

I pushed passed him, not wanting to speak with him and made my way to the guest room. The same one I had spent half my first night here in. I curled into a ball on top of the bed and calmed my breathing as much as I could.


I laid there numb for who knows how long.

I couldn't understand for what reason he bit me! Maybe it was Zion again.

Why the hell would he bite me, and why was there a rogue so close on the land.

'I marked you'
I bolted up right, what the hell? There's a voice in my head. I turned around on the bed looking for the voice. But no it's in my head.

I stood up off the bed, I just want answers. I marched like an angry mother towards the kitchen. He was sitting there stirring coffee as usual. UGH your mate is in distress and this is- never mind

"Why'd you bite me? Why was that rogue so close? And why the FUCK are you still stirring that damned coffee!" I yelled all in one breath.

He stopped stirring, sitting up from the stool he walked towards me and opened his arms as if to hug me, but I obviously took a step back.

"Answer me, Christian"

He turned around walking towards the living room so I followed. We took a seat.

"Sometimes werewolves get frustrated, they might believe that the reason they haven't met you yet is because you're weak...that wasn't a rogue it was a pack member" he sighed.

What? That doesn't make any sense.

"So then I'll meet them, right after I see my mother I promise" I said
"Now tell me why you bit me? Please"

He knitted his eyebrows together as if confused. "I marked you, Cora?" He said, dumbfounded as if I should've known.

"Marked? Is that some kind of branding?" I queried.

"Well... when you put it like that. I was the voice in your head, earlier. You can link back to me now and we can allow each other into our thoughts and much more but those are the main pointers"

"So you were reading my mind...without my permission" I asked, even though he just said it.

I stared at him, still taking it all in. When suddenly I heard it.

She's so beautiful even when upset, I want to drink my coffee, is she upset?, how far are they with questioning that wolf

These words came flooding in and I clicked that those were his thoughts

'Yeah they're my thoughts'

'Why talk to me in my head when you could just speak out loud' I asked back, still in the link.

'It's cooler like this, no?"

I giggled. "Oh and yes, she is upset" I answered his question, crossing my arms

"You marked me without my permission. That's really not cool. If you had just asked me I probably would've let you" I pushed

"Exactly...that's why I didn't ask you"

"Make that make sense in your mind!"

"I wanted you to ask me to mark you...but how could you have done it if you didn't even know what it is" he said, sort of chuckling with no humor

"Bye Christian, I'm giving you the silent treatment."


And I really did...it's about 9pm now and I still haven't spoken to him.

I could feel him pry into my head every now and then but I didn't mind him reading my thoughts. Until I started missing him , I didn't want him to read those so I tried blocking my mind off and I think it worked.

I made my way to the room, being tired enough to sleep.

He was already there laying down watching Netflix.

Well, just cause I'm not talking to him doesn't mean I can't lay next to him.

I walked over and got into bed snuggling into him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

We watched Ted until it was finished and then dozed off.

Hello it's me!!! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I was thinking of doing a love story about Paisley and a guy but it'll be like a side thing. Maybe one chapter devoted to her POV. LMK please ❤️


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