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Cora's POV
I woke up and as if on queue Christian walked out of the bathroom. It's like he's trying to kill me.

He ran his hand through his hair, which has been getting longer lately, I'm not complaining. Still- want to kiss every last ab. Ughhh

"Every single ab?" He questioned... what!?

I blushed, pulling the covers over me. The misery. Then he was on top of me, the bed dipped. He lifted parts of the blanket in search of my face and when he lifted the right one I could've sworn sparks flew.

Christian looked real yummy right now.

He smiled at me, moving hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear.

He leaned in, inching closer. My heart picked up pace but I couldn't move.

He kissed my jaw , then chin and then

"Coraaa you won't believe wha-" Peeta came barging in, he looked at the situation before his eyes widened and Christian growled.

"Run" I mouthed, he slammed the door shut and bolted.

Christian tried going after him but I grabbed his arm pulling him back into me and smashed my lips onto his.

He was shocked for a moment but soon after kissed me back and goddess could he kiss.

I put one hand in his hair and the other on his cheek.

His hand wrapped around my neck, then it travelled down my body to my ass where he squeezed; which made me gasp. His tongue was in my mouth in an instant exploring every last inch.

His hands trailed up underneath my shirt till they rested on my waist, a comfortable place for me.

Christian pulled away, after biting on my bottom lip, he kissed my jaw in a sloppy way then my neck and finally my mark which drew a soft moan out of me, because it felt so good.

With that he stood up, and I laid there. Catching my breath. I still held onto his hand and I tugged on it, wishing he'd come back and keep kissing me.

"I have to go, love. I'm gonna be late"

I groaned, letting go of his hand. I rolled over laying down on my stomach and pulled the covers back up over my head. My legs still mostly exposed.

I could hear him getting dressed. After a few moments when I heard the drawers being closed I knew he was done.

I listened to his footsteps, suddenly he slapped my ass. Not too hard, I still yelped though. "Bye baby" he said before the door shut.


The triplets got to stay in for the whole week, I think it's what Peeta wanted to tell me earlier. It's really fun when they stay around.

Keth thought it would be a great idea if they just took a break, since they have a course competition coming up and he doesn't want to out do it.


It was Friday and I was currently sitting in my room chatting with Paisley about school trouble. These teenage girls are relentless.

We were painting our toe nails when Parker and Peeta burst through the door in swim trunks. They had towels thrown over their shoulder and looked more than ready to go for a swim.

"Let's go for a swim girls" Parker said. After he'd warmed up to me he spoke much more.

I looked at Paisley and she rolled her eyes, completely annoyed with her brothers.

"Go by yourselves" She sighed.

"No, no no no no. How will I get to see Cora in a bikini then?" Peeta whined.

I grabbed a pillow, and threw it at him.
Parker hit him on the back of his head, muttering pervert.

"Let's just go Paisy" I sported my epic nickname. Well, epic to me

"Fineee" she groaned , standing up.


The walk was awfully long but when we finally reached the spot I understood why the boys were so eager to come here

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The walk was awfully long but when we finally reached the spot I understood why the boys were so eager to come here. "Wow!" I gasped

"Right? It's so romantic Mi amour" Peeta said, grinning at me.
"Oh you" I laughed.

I was placing my hair into a bun when I was suddenly emerged under water. As I was coming up I was already cursing at the idiot who dared to push me.

Parker was laughing, right before Paisley pushed him in too. That caused me to laugh.


We'd been swimming for a while when Peeta decided to come up to me. "Hey, you know I'm just kidding right" he said, the smallest trace of blush on his cheeks

"Oh my gosh, is the great almighty Peeta actually blushing!?" I said, amusement in my tone.

"Shhh" he said

"Oh no no, this one is going down in the-"

"Be quiet Cora"

I furrowed my eyebrows confused, Peeta was looking at something behind me. Paisley and Parker started growling.

I turned around, still submerged in the water.

"Well well well, look at that" A menacing voice came from a tall, pale looking man. They stood in the shadow a tree provided.

"What do you want Kaldun" Parker growled.

"The girl" The menacing made said. He had two other men with him. A really scary blonde chick too.

'What's wrong? Where are you'

'Christian!! There's thes-'

"If I were you I'd stop linking pretty" the guy snarled

The triplets moved towards shore, and I followed closely behind Peeta. We were now standing on the ground.

"You better fuck off Kaldun, before my father gets here" Peeta spat

"Right...Keth, I'm terrified. The guy couldn't even protect his own wife"

Before I knew it Peeta was shifted, he was on top of Kaldun and they were fighting. I'd never seen Peeta so enraged before. Parker shifted assisting his brother and Paisley took my hand and we started running.

"Wait! Paisley, we have to help them"

"No, my dad and Christian are on their way there. Just leave them be" She yelled

I could hear Peeta's wolf crying in pain, and I really wanted to turn back.

But we kept running. Paisley shifted and I followed her lead shifting as well and we made it back home quickly. Locking ourselves in.

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