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I am what they call a personal assistant. No, that doesn't mean I sleep with my clients. I take care of people. I pick up their dry cleaning, groceries, that type of thing. In the case of my current client, I also organize his appearance schedule, make sure his clothing is ready to be changed into, his suit and shoes match. That he looks like the celebrity he is. I plan his wardrobe for his major appearances. I travel with him around the country. I take care of the client's needs on those trips. Getting him to and from appearances. Make sure he goes off looking perfect for the cameras and his many fans. I must say I am a fan too.

I live in a small apartment in Washington Heights NYC. Not far from where my client lives with his family. I do pick up his dry cleaning and on occasion have brought groceries to their home. His family treats me well. I get invited to family events, but I rarely go as I am only an employee.

My life away from him? I like to read, so you can usually find me with my nose in a book. I watch movies and now that I live in New York, I go to shows when I can. Of course, I get dragged to some with my client as his wife is not a huge fan of musicals. The first one he took me to was Company in my second week of working for him. I guess you could say we have bonded over that.
I have found myself thinking of his mouth way to much lately. How it would feel on me. And his hands caressing my body.

Damn Leah, STOP!!

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