Chapter 29

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(Lucas's POV- they are home from Florida)

Last week was one of the best weeks of my life but when we got back all I wanted to do was relax. I felt like we had been going and going like the energizer bunny. Unfortunately I couldn't I worked the very next day and then today is the party. School starts next week and dad has convinced me into cutting my hours at work so I can enjoy my last year of high school. I was the boyfriend of a football player after all.  Both Holden and Landon quiet their jobs do to football practice, games and school. I however went down to working only Monday and Wednesday's. Those are the nights their practice are later because of learning plays. Brandon is still with Lacey but Landon and his girlfriend split as soon as we got back. She swore that Land cheated even though he didn't. He will find someone that is right for him sooner or later. I still have high hopes for it being Brook. My dad and Holden's mom are talking like everyday they even made plans to go out to dinner next Friday.

"Babe, you ready yet?" Holden asked from the bedroom. I have just finished showering for the party. I'm not as nervous as I was for the first one. I get along with most of the people that are going to be here and Holden said he doesn't plan on letting me off the dance floor all night.

"Yeah, just need to brush my teeth." I said. We didn't have to worry about doing our hair or anything because it was a pool party so people will be swimming and playing games like last time. No drinking is allowed and some parents will be stopping by to make sure that my dad wasn't lying to them. This party unlike the last one is basically open to everyone. We will be kicking out any trouble makers and anyone we think may or may not be drinking.

"I have something for you when you finally decided to get out here." He said laughing.

"What?" I asked opening the door.

"I was wondering if you would like to wear my class ring? My mom got me a new one for this school and it came in while we were gone." He said holding up his class ring.

"I would love too if you want you can wear mine." I said walking over to my night stand and pulling out my class ring. I bought and paid for it by myself so I was proud of it.

"I would love to wear yours." He said trying it on all his fingers finally getting it to fit his pinky. He ring fit nicely on my middle finger.

"So does this mean we are going steady?" I asked chuckling.

"Or this could be more like a promise. I promise to love you forever, never leave you, try not to mess up and hurt you and I promise that as soon as we graduate high school to switch it for an engagment ring for a wedding I hope to have as soon as we graduate college." He said shocking me.

"I like that idea. We could always get married during college." I said hopefully.

"I want to wait until after I at least graduate so i can start working to support us." He said I understood that and was okay with it all.

"Okay, so we can start thinking of a date in the mean time." I said laughing as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You can have whatever date you want as long as I am a college grad." He said before leaning down to kiss me.

"Deal." I said kissing him.

"Come on you two dad said people are starting to show up." Landon yelled as he headed for the stairs.

Holden and I followed Lacey, Brandon and Landon over to the main house. Mason and the rest of the guys were already in the back yard goofing around laughing. I was cool with them being here it was the people I didn't know. Dad had cooked up a bunch of food with the help of Gran before they went in the house for the rest of the night. Those two had been getting along for a while now and I liked having her around. 

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