Chapter 13

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A/N: Okay so this will be Holden's POV. I don't know how well this is going to come out because I haven't gotten the feel for him really. This is the main reason I want to do this. I think it will help me get a better feel on who Holden is.

Luc, looked so peaceful sleeping when I finally made it to bed. I just wanted to sit and watch him sleep. Creepy, I know but he is just so beautiful. When I first saw him at the video store I wanted him. But there was just something about him that made me walk away. I had also been talking to that asshole Harvey and thought we were actually going somewhere. I really thought Harvey would be different then Jefferson. But he is just like him. I am Luc when it comes to relationships. Jefferson and I were together for two years before I found out he had slept with most of my friends, girls and guys while we were together. The one that hurt was my best friend that was straighter then a line. Cal and I had been friend for ever. He was the person I told every thing to. He was the first person I told when I figured out I was gay, well bi but I lean more towards guys then girls. He was the one I told about Jefferson and how I though he was cheating. Cal really didn't like Jeff so I thought. But the week before I found out about every one he had slept with. Cal started acting really off. He wouldn't talk to me he wouldn't look at me. He even tried to blame me. When my world came crashing down was when I busted the two of them having sex at school in an empty room. I beat the shit out of both of them ending a two year relationship and a life time friendship.  Jeff made sure to tell me about every one of my so called friends. I was happy when my mom said we were moving a month later. Because I refused to talk to anyone from my school and even when Cal tried to say he was sorry I didn't forgive him. I should thank them all now. Because now I have Luc. 

I slid quietly into bed and waited. Every night when I would go to bed after him as soon as I climbed in bed he would curl into me. He didn't know he was doing it but it made me feel good. Once he was good and comfortable next to me I snuggled into his warmth. 

That night that I had finally agreed to meet with Harvey I was really excited. I remember leaving early because I wanted to get started with our movie night and hoped to earn a second date. When I saw a broken Luc get out of his car I had flash backs to walking into that classroom. I wanted to beat the shit out of Harvey right then and there. So instead I went to Luc, talked him into talking to me. We left Harvey standing there like a deer in head lights look on his face. Fuck him.

Now I am so close to having him. It kills me to have to wait. But I understand it. He has been through hell and needs to get used to the fact that his brother isn't out to kill him, his sister isn't out to make a fool out of him and that his dad really does care. Plus he was so attached to that piece of shit of a boyfriend that he needs to learn to be independent. But I just wish it would be over like yesterday and I could really enjoy holding him with out the fear of scaring him. I honestly wanted to kill Landon and Lacey when I found out what all they have been doing to this guy. And his mother well I am not even going to go there. Some people should have kids and she is one of them. 

The next day after walking Luc to his class I headed to mine. I hated math. I don't understand what we really are going to need to know half of this when we are done with school but they say we will use it in everyday life. Really I am going to need to find the variables to an equation everyday? I don't think so. This is the only math I am hoping the answer is right to. L+ H = forever. 

"Hey sexy, you look really yummy today." Sam one of my new best girl friends said once I was in my seat next to her.

"Hey pretty momma." I said smiling at her.

"So you ready for lover boy to go live with his dad?" She asked.

"No, I want to keep him." I said with a pout.

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