Chapter 13

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Seth's POV

Chapter 13

Seth was laying there almost falling asleep but a load crack would rise from his ribs as they repaired themselves-slowly and painfully. It felt like days until his parents came home. His mom yelled in surprise at Kendall sitting on the couch.

“Sorry for scaring you,” Kendall said from outside in the living room.

“What are you doing in my home Kendall?” So he does know them, Seth thought to himself. “And why are you here when no one is home?”

“I came here with your son, Seth,” a loud bang went off from Seth’s ribs again, which sounded like the loudest yet. “He’s in his room with six broken ribs.” Grace walked in and her hazel eyes shone with tears as she looked at her son which was in great pain.

“What happened?” Grace asked while she walked over to the side of his bed.

“A truck hit me,” Seth said spiking a ripple of pain through his body.

“Have I said sorry yet?” Kendall asked while he stepped in. “If I haven’t well, I am deeply sorry.”

“You did this? You hurt my son?” Grace’s face turned from sad and worried to rage in a split second.

“I didn’t mean to,” Kendall defended himself, “I thought that he was just another werewolf that was from a different pack. If I realized that he was from this pack then I wouldn’t have.”

“Well that’s no excuse at all!”

“Mom, its fine he didn’t know,” Seth said, “at least he checked what was wrong, brought me here and stayed to make sure that I was fine until you or dad got back.”

“Fine, he is a friend of mine and your father,” Grace said. “But after supper he is leaving.”

“I don’t need to eat here,” Kendall complained. The sun had gone down sometime but Seth didn’t know when. Howls rang through the air as well as many footfalls. The number was more than it should be for just a few werewolves but it sounded like a whole pack running towards them. Grace and Kendall must have heard since they were looking in the direction of where the sound was coming from. Grace looked at Kendall then at Seth quickly.

“Your not leaving me here,” Seth said automatically to what she was thinking.

“Your injured and wont be any help in a fight,” Kendall said and Grace nodded in agreement.

“I don’t care,” Seth complained, “if a whole pack is running here then there must be a pretty good reason for it.”

“You aren’t coming,” Grace crossed her arms over her chest. The front door opened and two footfalls entered. Johnny and George came into view. “What is it?”

“A whole pack…” George sounded out of breath, “the alphas want all…werewolves down at the entrance…right now…no matter what.” He took a big gasp of air.

“Seth’s injured he can’t” Grace complained, George just shook his head.

“It doesn’t matter,” George seemed to recover rather quickly. “Johnny has too stay here though.”

“And Seth can watch him,” Grace said quickly.

“If I cant go to the entrance with the rest of you then what makes you think that I can watch Johnny?” Seth smiled triumphantly, Grace frowned.

“Fine, Johnny stay in this room, lock the door after us then lock this door and don’t come out no matter what,” Grace stared at him. He just nodded his quiet conformation. “Kendall pick up Seth and help him get to the gate as fast as you can.”

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