Part 12

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georges pov (LOTS of tw) of crouse DrAmA, violence, sexual assault, r wording 

he stood up and looked even more angry. which was alittle scary since he did have the uper hand here.  he chased us around while we ran away laughing. 

"come on it cant be that hard to catch them!" the other guy with white hair yelled. 

"then you try!" the dirty haird guy yelled back. the white haired guy came in and rolled his eyes. 

"you know this is fun and all but you smell worse then pigs," sapnap said. he chest up around some more till he grabbed me arm and pulled it behind me. 

"gottcha!" he yelled. sapnap ran over but was tackled by the dirty haired guy. he pulled me out while sapnap was fighting the other guy. the diry haired guy came out holding his arm. 

"he bit me!" he yelled. i started laughing and i could hear sapnap laughing too. 

"SHUT UP!" the white haired guy holding me yelled.

"tell him to stop being a pussy!" sapnap yelled to him. 

"come on lets just go," the white haired guy said. he pulled me away with sapnap laughing. 

"i swear if you dont let me go im goin to-" he put his hand over my mouth and i kep trying to bite him. he tied my hands behind me and i kep trying to bite his hand. we ended up in some room. he tied my hands to a little thing at the bottom of the wall. 

"ow! bitch bite me!" he said shaking the spit off his hand.

"and ill do it again!" i stuck my toung out. 

"this ones mean," he said getting up. he walked over to the door and left. this room was boring so i didnt know what to do. there was only a camra with a little red dot. the white haired gu walked in with some wanna be cowboy. 

"this is george. george this is joe," whited haired guy said. 

"just call me sir if you know what i mean," they both laughed and white haired guy walked out. 

"i will kick your dick and make it shorter! i mean i dont think it can get shorter!" i yelled. 

"your gonna pay for that," he said walking over and sat down between my legs. he grabbed my chin while i tryed looking away. his smile was like the devil was looking right at me. 

"get away!" i yelled trying to pull my face away and kicked him. he stopped my legs and i couldnt move my face away. he took off both of our pants and boxers. he stucked two fingers in my entrance screeching me out. 

"ahh!" i was ready for it. i could feel the tiers running down my face. after he did that for a while he put his member in. he started moving fast right away. 

"good boy," he said. i hated this! i was crying i hurt so bad. the door busted down and police crashed in. 

"help!" i yelled breathing heavily. they ran over and pulled him off putting hand cuffs off him. they helped me and i put my pants and stuff back on. they helped me out to where there cars where. sapnap was there too.

"sapnap," i yelled running over to him. 

"do you know any one we can call?" a women asked. 

"dream," sapnap said.

"do you know his number?" she asked.

"his what?" we asked. 

"we can figure it out at the station you can get in one of the cars," she said walking away. 

(A/N i rewrote this like 5 times lol and im starting to like the other one more... im not changing it though)

me and sapnap got in the car next to us and we watched the tree fly by. it was silent other then my heavey breathing. it was slowly slowing down though. sapnap layed his head on my shoulder. 

"you ok?" he asked. i sighed. i just wanted my baby and dream. 

"please watch my baby william," i whistpered to my self. sapnap still heard it. when we got to the police station she took us in side. we sat in a room till a new lady and a man walked in. i looked at sapnap while he watched them both like a hawk. i looked down not wanting to look any one in the eyes. 

"hi my names detective mic," the guy said. he sat down in the chair across from me. the women sat next to him. both closer to me with no one sat in front of sapnap. at this sapnap was more alert. 

"and my names detective may," the lady said. she sat very striaght while the man was hunched over the table. i only glansed up and down every so often. they where waiting for our names. 

"sapnap," sapnap was alert and wasnt putting it down. the man nodded at him with a chill smile. the man looked at me waiting for my name. but i couldnt speck. i looked at sapnap. 

"hes george," sapnap said seeing me not able to speck. mic smiled and nodded. 

"whats your owners name?" he asked kindly.

"dream," he said stern. the man layed back in his chair. putting more space between us. "we dont know his number so dont ask!" sapnap told them angrly. 

"dont yell," i whispered to him. sapnap looked at me with simpathy in his eyes. 

"sorry," he said grabbing my hand. i nodded still not looking at any body. then the angry lady started talking. 

"we didnt ask to be yelled at. what do you know about that please!" she yelled. sapnap was angry now. i was more scared. only fate could save us. we where stuck. again. 


short one lol

words: 961

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