part 1

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Georges pov (George is 10-11)

i was born in a magic forset. im part deer so i stay hiden so no body hurts me. my parents went out for most of the day to get food and stuff so i just stay home nd play. i dot have any siblings so i would find animals to play with. i can talk to animals so its not like i was talking to my self. 

"hey George!" a deer came up to me. her name was light. 

"hi light!" i ran over to her waving.

"you can talk to humans right?" she asked. i nodded.

"why?" i asked.

"there a human running around in here. hes picking up mushrooms and wood," she says.

"where?" i said. i tryed not to sound scared since ive never seen a human but i really wanted to see what they look like. i followed her over to a little mushroom garden. he was picking all of them. i cant lie he looked cute but why was he taking my mushrooms? i planted them and he cant take them. 

"stay here," i said. light nodded. i got up and walked over. 

"hay! why are you picking my mushrooms!" i yell. he jumped a little but looked over at me. he looked shocked. 

"i didnt know any body lived in here?" he said. god human can be dumb.

"well i do so stop picking my mushrooms!" i yelled back.

"what are you?" he asked. dont humans listen to there parents. dont human parents tell there kids about us or do they not know us?

"im a hibrid (spelling go burrr) idiot," i side crossing my arms. 

"but there not real?" he said.

"dumb humans. could you just leave!" i yell

"why should i?" he asked.

"because your stealing!" i yell.

"oh come on we cant be friends? im clay but you can call me dream," he reached out him hand.

"no we can not be friends! leave before i call a blaze hibrid!" i yell.

"call them. maybe theyll me nice," he said. i look at light ad she runs off to get him. i stand there staring at the dumb human named dream or was it clay? i wasnt listening. after about  minute or two light was back with my fried. his name was sapnap. 

"what George?" he asked. he could tell what light was saying since he cant talk to animals. i point to the human with my mushrooms i his hand.

"him," i say.

"why is there a human here?  i thought they left years ago?" he said. 

"well one came back and is stealing my mushrooms," i said. you dot mess with my mushrooms. 

"could you please leave," sapnap asked.

"why? i just needed some food," dream said.

"leave," sapnap said as his fire started to pick up. dream took this as a ticket to leave and started running. me and sapnap followed him to make sure he left. when we got to the eage i stopped and sapnap made sure he left. since i grow up in the wood my eyes hurt really bad when i leave the wood since its to bright. 

"there hes gone," sapnap said walked back.

"thank you," i said. me and sapnap then went out own ways. sapnap stayed in the nether more and the nether was to bright for me so we just went our own ways. 

when i got home my family was waiting. (herobrian has his father and eret as a brother. there mother past) i sat down and watched dad try and make food. he sucked at making food and eret could make food but with a resipy. (no hate on eret!) i pushed him out of the way and made the food. when i was done we ate and went to bed. it was weird i felt like something wasnt right all night.

GeorgeNotFound back story (my au. dnf)Where stories live. Discover now