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I woke up to the smells of brunch cooking from downstairs. I stretched out, and looked around.

"What a dream! Or was it?" I was back in my own timeline, back to November 2008. I was home, in Lakewood Ohio, in my bed, with the same multicolored robe that I had on when I woke up from the link Jesus and I shared, when He rose from the dead. I took my brooch off, and set it in a special box for the next time I practiced my spells.

I immediately got dressed in a Cincinnati Bengals jersey, with a black mock neck turtleneck underneath. I dressed in dark blue jeans and put white socks on my feet. I knew we were having company over for brunch, so I needed to make sure that my room was clean and clear, and that my bed was made. I did all this of course with Jessie offering to help me. I also did it without the use of magic, taking Jesus' words to heart about building a house on deep foundations. After scolding Snowball, Mei's cat, I was all ready to go downstairs with a boy that I had found hidden under my bed. He looked to be 12 years old, lean, olive skinned, dark haired and dark eyed, wearing a "Peace on Earth" long sleeved t shirt, jeans and sandals, and Krishna was going gaga over him. As I looked at this 12 year old boy, to me he seemed very familiar.

Little did I know, that I was going to be in for a real surprise.

Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Peter and the other 10 disciples were all downstairs, including Jairus and his family. All of them were wearing modern day clothing.

And the boy?

That boy turned out to be Jesus, who was under my bed. He had transformed from His 12 year old self, to 33. He still had the marks of the nails. He was wearing a burgundy red long sleeved v neck sweater with the sleeves rolled up, dark blue jeans and sandals.

I leapt into His arms, and He held me, the way He always did.

We sat, ate and enjoyed each other's company. It was a wonderful brunch.

As for the troubles I had with the expectations placed on me for my upcoming mission? I had told the majordomo that I wasn't worried about what others thought of me, and that I intended to be my own Sorceress, using the advice Jesus gave me early on in His ministry.

As for the mission itself? It was a complete success. Jesus was with me the whole way through, just like He said He would be. Always.

NO GREATER LOVE-A Miracle Maker AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now