the dreams become real

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: The majority of this chapter will be in Jesus' POV from the Agony in the Garden, to His Death.


I looked around. I was on a hill. The sky was covered in dark clouds, and the wind was blowing violently. I sensed sorrow, grief and suffering, and death. I saw the temple not too far from where I was at.

"Jerusalem...that's Jerusalem!" I realized. "But...what am I doing all the way out here?"


I turned to the voice. Behind me was Jesus.

"Lord Jesus?! How did...?" I asked in bewilderment.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. Are you seeing what I'm currently seeing?" Jesus said, looking just as confused as I was.

" this Your dream?" I looked around.

"It's gotten more intense the more I dream about it. My impending death is getting closer. Before I came here, I was seeing what you previously saw in your dream." Jesus said, nodding in affirmation. "There was more to it than My being taken away. Not only did I hear Myself crying out in pain, I heard you scream as well...and I wondered if something had happened to you as well..."

"I was screaming?!" I gasped.


"Wait a minute, if You were in my dream, and I'm currently in Your dream, could this be a combined dream? Our dream?" I realized.

Before Jesus could answer, I felt an invisible force blow me away.

"AHHH!!! NO!!!" I yelped.


Jesus quickly reached out His hand and caught mine the way He always did, and that same invisible force was trying to separate us from each other.

"Hold on!" Jesus shouted over the howling wind.

"I can't! It's too strong, I'm slipping!!" I yelled back.

I strained, trying to hold on for dear life. I could see that the invisible force was also pulling at Jesus as well, trying to pry my hands away from His.

"NO! NO!!! AHHHH!!!"


The force ripped me from His grasp, and I screamed, seeing Jesus get pulled the other way, and Him shouting my name. The impact of where I landed blasted me into night, but not for long.

I was in the same Garden...the same one I saw Jesus get taken away from. I saw Jesus again with the sad and weary look. I saw the same scary men take Him away. Again, I heard the hammering noises and His cries of pain...and my own?  Did the scary men hurt me too? I had to wonder.

I started to run, but then, I remembered that the last time I had this dream, I felt sluggish when I tried going after Jesus, and I fainted when I got closer.

I ran anyway, and before the exhaustion hit me again, I actually saw what was happening. I saw Jesus on that same hill I looked out on. His clothes were gone. All He had was a loincloth. He was broken, bleeding, arms outstretched, wrists and feet nailed to a wooden cross, a thorny crown on His head, and perilously close to death... the very last thing I saw before I faded to black...was myself. I was lying on the ground, near the foot of Jesus' cross, and I heard myself mumbling something...

I woke up as the dawn broke screaming bloody murder. My Daddy heard me and calmed me down.


NO GREATER LOVE-A Miracle Maker AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now