expect the unexpected

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"This way, not far. It's not far." Jairus guided.

We all walked, Jairus leading the way.


Jesus suddenly stopped when we were almost there, and Simon-Peter accidentally bumped into his Teacher. The crowd stopped in bewilderment. I did, too with my Daddies. Sweeney and Krishna, who had come with Jairus also stopped.

"Who touched Me?" Jesus asked, looking around in confusion.

"I sensed someone did." I said, looking around.

"Please, Master?" Jairus looked anxious.

"We'll get to Tamar, dude. Keep calm." Krishna said.

"Someone touched Me, just now," Jesus continued to look around.

"Lord, everyone's touching You. Look at the crowds!" Simon-Peter explained.

"I-I know, I know. Someone touched Me. I felt the power go out of Me." Jesus said, still confused and worried.

"Oh boy," Kim worried.

"Don't worry, we'll find whoever it was." Krishna said.

"We found her, Jesus!" I called out, having gone into the crowd quickly to find who touched Him, and with me was an aged woman wearing a pink robe and a white shawl to cover her head.

"It was me, Lord. I was bleeding inside me for so many years. The doctors did nothing." the old woman said, trembling.

"Ohhh," I chorused with my sisters in compassion.

"I...I was afraid to come to You before all the people, " She continued, starting to cry. "So I...just wanted to...I wanted to touch You!" She covered her face in shame.

"Ohh, don't cry, ma'am! That was very brave." I said, a hand on her shoulder.

Jesus looked compassionate and He came over to reassure and comfort her.

"My daughter, your faith has made you well! Go in peace." Jesus said, gently putting a hand on the old woman's shoulder. The woman smiled and went her way.

"Master, please...please hurry." Jairus was now getting worried, and right when he had said this, two men stood at the outside, and bowed their head somberly. Sweeney muttered something silently and sadly.

Tamar! I thought in dread. Was she dead? Were we too late?

"No!" Jairus shook his head in denial.

"Sir, don't trouble the Master anymore." One man came up and said sadly.

No, He can still heal her! I hoped in thought.

"No, not Tamar! She can't be dead!" Krishna pleaded.

"Is she sleeping?" Kim asked hopefully.

"No...!" Jairus sobbed with his face in his hands, thinking it too late.

"Don't be afraid. Keep on believing, and she will be well." Jesus said reassuringly.

I led Jesus to the house, and up the steps, past Rachel, who was sobbing uncontrollably.

"She's in here." I told Him.

I saw Tamar on her bed, lying motionless. I watched as Jesus sat at the foot of her bed, while behind me, Sweeney hugged Mei. I breathed deeply in silent hope.

"Little girl..." Jesus said gently, His hand outstretched. "Rise. It's time to get up."

I watched as the life came back to the older girl. Jesus then stood up, grinning with love.

NO GREATER LOVE-A Miracle Maker AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora