Part 27

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the next morning Ash had woken up early and left Sky in bed, he walked out his room to see Fez sat eating coco pops, Ash just got a bowl and made himself some.

"how's Sky" Fez said

"asleep, and is defiantly going to have a headache" Fez just laughed the Ash asked "how's Lexi?"

"she's still in bed, last night she was talking about bob ross?" Fez just started laughing as he thought back to last night, both girls were very drunk and high.

"Sky just got into bed and then talked about how Elliot meant nothing to her" Ash wasn't upset with Sky, he just got jealous easily, Fez could tell Ash was a little unsure about the situation.

"it'll be fine when she wakes up and gets over the hangover have a little talk to her about it, I need to talk to her as well, she went way over board yesterday" Fez said as he put a bowl of cereal in his mouth.

"ye she defiantly did" Ash just sighed as the both of them just ate there cereal in peace, that was of course until Custer came by and wanted to speak to Faye, but she was asleep so it was just the three of them.

Soon later Lexi had woke up she went into the kitchen to see Fez sat at the table on his phone and Ash on the counter counting cash.

"morning, how's the headache" Fez said with a smirk on his face

"so bad, I didn't even realise I drunk so much last night, I also think I did lines with Rue but my brain is all fuzzy" She sad as she sat down at the table as Fez got her a glass of water.

"ye you did" Fez said, they began to talk then Sky walked in looking pretty much the same as Lexi, her make up was smudged and her hair was a bit of a mess.

"and good morning, you look amazing" Fez said sarcastically, Sky just rolled her eyes, she made contact with Lexi and they both broke out laughing then Sky's head began to hurt she looked over to see Ash looking directly at her, Sky woke up feeling guilty, she had put Ash in a awkward situation, she knew he wanted to say something last night to her but he didn't since she wasn't in the right mind, they had only been together a little while and she had already tested him on being a good boyfriend, which he passed, but she well she wasn't winning best girlfriend award for awhile.

She stood there until Ash waved her over, she slowly came over to him and he pushed a glass of water towards her then passed her a tablet, she looked at him confused.

"headache" he said as he looked down at her, She nodded and swallowed it downing the water in the process.

They just looked at each other, Ash hated being mad at her, it was killing him.

He just looked at her then wiped some mascara from under her eye she smiled then put her head on his chest, she had the worst headache but Ash's comfort made it 10 times better.

Fez and Lexi was just watching as the young couple stood like that for awhile, Ash was holding her head whilst it was in his chest.

After awhile Ash and Sky went to ash's room, Ash was on his bed while Sky was taking her make up off in the mirror, Ash was just watching her. No he was admiring her.

Sky caught him looking she just turned around and gave him a soft smile

"I'm sorry" she said as she looked at him

"for what" he said with a smirk

"you know what" she said as she pulled the chair she was sat on closer to the bed.

"no I don't please tell me" he was now sat up watching as she looked down at her hands

"I got lost in the moment last night and got carried away and you were being an amazing boyfriend while I was being a shitty girlfriend and I am sorry, also I know your upset about the Elliot thing." She said as she looked at him with apologetic eyes.

"you shouldn't do drugs, and especially with Elliot, I was jealous last night, but yes you did get carried away" Ash said

"you do know I do drugs, I'm not an addict but I do them"

"I get that but I want to keep my drug dealing life away from my relationship, do you know how many times we have seen a customer break down because of drugs, I mean look at Rue as an example, do you really want to turn out like Rue?" he was telling the truth, he didn't want Sky to go down the same path, he wouldn't let her kill herself.

"I'm not an addict AT, I just enjoy doing them, you do weed ash" she said as she now climbed on the bed next to him

"ye but I know my limits you however do not" he said smiling at her


Sky was now straddling Ash, he had his hands on the inside of her thigh and was rubbing circles on them, Ash leaned up to kiss Sky but she put her hands on his mouth, she busted out laughing as he smirked then rolled his eyes.

She went down to kiss him but he swerved her

"see payback" He said as she watched him in disbelief

she laughed then bent down and captured his lips, her lips were sweet like honey and he carved them, her hands found the back of his neck pulling him closer and his went to her arse.

They began to make out and it was getting hot.

She pulled lightly on his hair and he moaned slightly, God she loved the effect she had on him, he began to leave trails of kisses down her neck, she moaned slightly, she pulled his head back and re connected there lips.

The door burst open and Ash and Sky was met with a shocked Fez, he just stared at the two, Sky quickly got off Ash and just sat on the bed at the side of Ash, Fez was about to say something but just ended up against it as he walked away and left the door wide open, I guess no more closed doors.

After the whole incident with Fez walking in, she went and got in the shower as she got out of the shower and began de tangling her hair she saw a bruise on her neck she felt it, then it hit her, it wasn't a bruise but a hickey.

She quickly put some clothes on and ran into Ash's room he was on a game and spun round as he herd the door shut fast, he saw Sky stood there with a shocked look on her face.

"what" Ash said confused

"this is what" she then pointed to her neck

"what am I supposed to be seeing" he said

"Ash you gave me a hickey" she said as she came closer to him. He just looked then wore a proud smirk on his lips.

"this is not good Ash, what are people going to think" she said as she looked at it in the mirror

"that you have a hot boyfriend" he said as he picked his controller up again.

"oh so now I'm your territory" She said panicking

"well at least people know your mine" he said still smirking.

"oh ye that's great I look like a whore now" She said trying to apply concealer on it

"Sky you get one hickey and now your a whore" Ash said laughing

"Ye what's Fez gonna think" she said worrying

"he caught me giving you it, I think he knows"

"how are you so calm unless your actually enjoying this?" she said as she watched him

"just a little" she then threw a pillow at his head.

Thank you so much guys

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