Chapter 3 : Interview

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Y/n's eyes travelled upward towards the big letters that were printed on the top of the luxury building stating that who owns this, the words were screaming 'THE JEON ENTERPRISE' which for sure made her heartbeat dropped for a movement because how beautiful they were engraved on the large building.

The air blowed strongly bringing the black clouds with them above her. She just stood their looking at her surrounding, without even knowing her eyes closed at the releaf of the weather, that's why she loves rain, it brings every memories, the smell when the first drop of rain touched the earth giving the earth a kind of releaf, that can't be described in words.

After few minutes her eyes slowly opened and she gazed at the entrance of the building and she started taking steps towards the entrance, she was about to enter the gate but a voice stopped her from going further and she turned her head to look the source of sound, she saw the guard was slowly approaching her.

The guard reached near her and stood in front of her while examining her from head to toe before asking..

"Yes ma'am, do you have any important work? Or do you have an appointment with anyone?" The guard spoke softly making her blink her lashes at the question, and with her soft voice she whispered slowly, indeed she doesn't like speaking too loud.

"Actually I came here to give the interview for the employee and I already filled the online form you can see, I have a copy in my phone..." She softly said making guard nod his head and he stretched his arm indicating that she can go inside.

"You can go ma'am, sorry if i caused you any problem.." he said making y/n shooked her head before flashing a slight smile to the guard which he returned slightly.

She entered the gate and started moving towards the building, she kept on walking while examining the surrounding, chairs were placed on the side, and everything was so clean and expensive like it just came out of the showroom, moving towards the building she entered inside the building and the sudden air of air conditioner made a chill run down her spine.

Is there any need to use A.C when the weather is so beautiful?

She questioned in her brain before shrugging and start walking towards the receptionist, who was checking checking some files, but as soon as she felt a presence she lifted her head and looked at the person standing in front her, and she smiled softly before asking..

"Yes ma'am? What can I help you?" She said in gently making y/n smiled softly before giving her answer.

"Yes, I came here for interview, so can you please tell me the direction?" Y/n said, earning s nod from the receptionist before she stretched her arm saying..

"Yes ma'am, here go straight and there will be a elevator, press the button of 6th floor, after exiting the elevator than you will see a door on which the name 'Park Jimin' were printed, and just beside the room there will be waiting area, so you can wait there until they call your name.." the receptionist explained making causing y/n to nod in response.
She thanked her before making her way towards the direction where the receptionist told her.

She entered the elevator before pressing the 6th floor button and the lift started moving, after few seconds the lift came to halt causing her to hear a 'ting' sound. The door opened and she exited the elevator.

As she was told she looked at rooms and not so long her eyes spotted the golden words on the door saying 'Park jJimin' , she signed in releaf as she found the room without any trouble because the last thing she wants to got lost here.

And she moved towards the room that's when her eyes spotted the waiting area which was full of ladies, no full of makeup products, it's not like everyone was bearing so revealing clothes, it was all normal but yes everyone was doing touch up of their make-up.

She moved towards the waiting area and it took her a while to spot a seat but at last she did, she moved towards the seat and slowly sat on it after pulling her skirt a little.

Hwasa I told you to choose something long!

She complained her best friend in her mind and signed before shifting her attention towards the name which were being called.


She 9th time looked at her watch and that's when she heard her name being called, without waisting more time she stood up and moved towards the person who was standing at the door of the room.

"Miss y/n..?" He inquired.

Y/n nod her head in reply and after that the man twisted the door knob stretching his arm slightly, which y/n mumbled a slight 'thank you' to him.

She entered the room and the first thing caught her eyes was the expensive aura of the room, she can't describe it in words everything was shining in the white light, just like the whole building itself, she can see her reflection on wall of the room, the soft fragrance of roses were spread in the whole room. She used to wonder how the rich peoples smells. Their is something different in the smell of rich people and things.

Her eyes travelled towards the center of the room where the large mirror table was placed, and her eyes caught a man sitting on the chair on the other side of the table.

She slowly moved towards the center and that's when the man sitting on the chair lifted his head to meet her eyes, her eyes widened slightly.

He looks unreal.

His blonde hair was perfectly combed with the hair jell shining, his eyes were small but so beautiful that someone can lost in them, his pointed nose and at last his plum lips.
Her chain of thoughts got broke when she heard the man in front of her chuckled.

Y/n blinked her lashes and realized that she was thinking loud, and soon embarrassment hit her hard and she suddenly bowed slowly making the man smiled slightly before single her to sit on the seat in front.

She did as she was told, she sat on the seat with a straight posture, and looked at the person in front of her.

"Yes miss...."

"Y/n" she spoked

"Miss y/n, yes so I hope you didn't had any problem to find my cabin" he said while smiling.

"Yes Mr. Park I didn't had any problem.." she said, and she guessed that maybe his name is park jimin as he said that it's his cabin.

Jimin nod and stretched his arm in front of her for a movement she was clueless but suddenly she realized that he was asking for her documents.

She hurriedly took out her documents before giving him, and mumbling a little sorry. Which he just smiled.

She kept on looking at him as he was examining her documents, she noticed that his Pinky was so little and cute, but as he was about to look at her she dropped her gaze on the table in front of her.

"Yes miss y/n everything is so professional and clear in documents, you will receive a call from the company if you will get selected." Jimin said and as always his smile Didn't vanished from his face and he was giving her so positive vibes that she smiled in return before nodding her head.

She slowly stood up and bowed , earning a little bow from him, and she walked out of the door.

And at last she is just waiting for the call.


Ma babies, i didn't update this story for so long that I even forget it exists lol.

I hope you like it if yes then please vote.

I ma watching you.

I am under your bed.


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