Chapter 23

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"Oi, brat! Get up!" Levi called, pounding on my door.

I groaned, turning to the other side and threw the covers over my head.

"Brat! Y/n!" Levi called before I heard the door open.

"Get up, lazy ass!" Levi said as I groaned in annoyance.

"Still tired." I muttered as Levi scowled.

"It's already midday." Levi retorted as I yawned.

"5 more minutes..." I mumbled out when suddenly, the blanket was pulled off me.

"H-Hey!" I shouted, bolting upright, wincing as the curtains were opened as well, the light flooding into the room, too bright for me to handle.

I threw my blanket over my head, burrowing my face in the bed.

"Let me sleep!" I whined as Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Come on, brat. You've already slept in." Levi said as I groaned in frustration.

"But we got back late." I said, wanting to have the warmth of my blanket again.

"That's not an excuse!" Levi said as I scowled, bolting upright to glare at him.

"Give me back my blanket!" I huffed out as Levi smirked.

"No." He said as I scowled.

"Now." I said, pouting a little as the corner of Levi's mouth tugged up.

"Come and get it." Levi teased as I scowled, pushing myself up.

"I swear, I'm going to kill you!" I said as I leapt towards Levi.

He spun out of the way as I reached to grab the ends of the blanket.

My fingers grappled on the ends as I smiled in triumph but I was also tugged towards Levi from the force.

Losing balance, I crashed into Levi, both of us falling to the ground.

"Hey! Get off me you brat!" Levi shouted as we both tried to get off each other.

"I'm trying! Just stop moving!" I shouted as we got tangled up in the sheets together.

However, our attempts to escape were futile as the blanket just wrapped around us tighter.

Suddenly, Levi was on top of me, one hand braced against the side of my head, keeping him from squishing me.

We both blinked in shock, staring at each other, unable to move.

However a voice made the both of us snap our heads up, looking at the door just as Eren stepped into view.

"Captain Levi, I was wondering-"

Eren stopped functioning for a second, staring at us.

"I- Uh- Should- I'm going-" Eren stammered, unsure what to do, blinking in shock as I also stared at him.

"Eren! This isn't what you think-" I started however, Eren had already run away.

"Goddammit!" I said as Levi and I finally untangled ourselves from each other.

I knew I was blushing furiously so I immediately walked over to the door.

"Eren! Come back here!" I shouted, making my way down the stairs.

Eren was sitting in between Armin and Mikasa, his face also beet red.

I looked around the room to see everyone not making eye contact with me and I already knew that Eren had told everyone.

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