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Wattpad what is ur problem
Why did u change

This is disgusting

Jk but I don't like it /:

And I had my first school track meet today, it was so bad. I got two first place and one second. But when I was doing the 400 meter (one lap) and I almost passed out

6 people had to help me up, literally. First time in like 5 years I have not finished a race and my head hurts and ugh, but right after that I did a race and got 1st. lol

I'm sorry if it isn't long enough

I can barely keep my eyes open and my heart rate is faster than normal and it's been 2 hours.


Quinn: I'm sorry

Quinn: I'm so sorry

Quinn: make up date?

Quinn: free tickets

Quinn: I don't want you to be mad

Fuensexual: I'm not mad chill

Quinn: then y weren't you answering me?

Fuensexual: no reason

Quinn: why can't I believe u?

Fuensexual: idk

Fuensexual: I'm coming over

Quinn: no

Quinn: come in 10 min

Fuensexual: y

Quinn: *attach photo here*

Quinn: this is like a pigpen

Quinn: so u cannot

Fuensexual: lol u filthy dog

Fuensexual: that's just nasty

Fuensexual: is that pizza?

Fuensexual: wtf

Fuensexual: how could u

Quinn: there's more

Quinn: I think

Quinn: it's molded

Quinn: nvm

Fuensexual: I'm coming now

Quinn: sexual

Fuensexual: jfc just open ur door so I can just walk in

Quinn: ok :-(

Quinn: no action?

Fuensexual: I'm still underage

Fuensexual: 17

Fuensexual: and ur like freakinh 150 years old

Quinn: totally

Quinn: I'm still hot right

Fuensexual: no

Fuensexual: and open ur god damn door

Quinn: impatient r we?

Fuensexual: jfc bye Kellin

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