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Vic laughed and stood at the doorway. Kellin's expression was priceless.

"You're an asshole, it's rude to cut someone off on the phone" Vic jokingly pointed out.

"Why are you here" Kellin mumbled rolling over, so he's wrapped into the sheets. Vic locked the door behind him and went to sit on the bed next to him.

Vic shrugged even though Kellin was faced the other way.

"Don't be mad -- or sad even. I'm just taking time to process this, because you know... I don't know." Vic muttered, "I mean, now that I think about it, I feel like I do have uh, feelings for you I guess, but I'm scared." Vic voice became softer towards the end.

"Scared of what?" Kellin turned facing the younger boy.

"I mean, you're a famous rock artist, and I'm just a freak in school. I don't really like the attention, if people were to find out but at the same time I don't want this -- us, kept as a secret. I mean, what if your fans hate me? What if --" Vic was cut off by Kellin pressing his lips onto Vic's soft one.

It wasn't a long kiss, but it was long enough for Vic to run out of breath. They seperated and rested their foreheads against each other.

"You know, saying shut up would've been fine too" Vic chuckled.

Kellin shrugged in response falling back onto his bed.

"You're killing me. I hate feeling like this" Kellin muttered looking Vic in the eye. "I, actually, don't want to loose you. So if not a relationship can we still be friends...with benefits?"

"Why with benefits" Vic asked,

"Because..." he drifted off, "I like kissing you"

"Yeah, I would love for you to continue this lovey dovey shit but um, Katelynne is here" Gabe came and left, revealing Katelynne.

"Hey Kells -- who's this?"

"My name is Vic" Vic answered. Kellin was confused why she was here. He hated her.

"What do you want?" Kellin sat up still wrapped in his sheets.

"I uh, I want you back" she smiled, "I mean, I felt guilty and I wallowed in my self pity for seven months. I can't thinking about you, literally." she explained, on the verge of tears.

Kellin sighed, " I, honestly can't be with you, I'm kinda in love with someone else" he stuttered,


"No one you need to know" He snapped, not making eye-contact with her. Vic was shocked but he didn't show it.

'I'm kinda in love with someone else' replayed in Vic's head.

In love

In love...

'Kellin was in love with me?', Vic thought. 'Am I in love with him?'. Vic cheeks rose with heat, as he tried to stop himself from smiling. Vic stood there and silently watched them.

"Kellin please, I love you" she pleaded. It made Vic cringe. Kellin shook his head watching her eyes filling with tears once more. She huffed and ran out the room, scaring Vic as she slammed the from door.

"Awkward" Kellin muttered, with a shy smile. Vic couldn't speak, he just walked up to the boy and hugged him. He haven't experience anyone actually loving him before and it made him happy. A part of Vic doesn't believe him but another part of him do.

"What was that for?" Kellin asked,

"I don't know. Is that person that were in love with, me?" Vic nervously asked,

"No Vic, it's me" Kellin rolled his eyes, "no shit it's you" Kellin laughed off.

"But why?"

"I, honestly don't have a clear answer for that. I say what I feel" Kellin calmy said.

"Oh" was Vic's final answer. Kellin nodded leaving them in an uncomfortable silence. Neither of them liked the tension of the atmosphere at the moment.

Vic couldn't really say he was in love with Kellin the way Kellin was with Vic, but he definitely has feelings for the Kellin.

"I have to head home" Vic finally said, "I had to get ready for something"

"Where are you going?"

"I thought you were taking me out on a date. No?" Vic joked, earning a smile from Kellin. The puffiness and redness is still around his eyes from crying and it made Vic feel horrible. Vic got up from his spot and headed towards the door, but Kellin wouldn't let him leave with a goodbye - kiss. Obviously.

Once Vic reached home to his drunk-ish father, he quietly ran upstairs and locked the door. He took out his phone,

Fuensexual: what time will it be?

Quinn: idk

Fuensexual: wow ok you plan a date but don't know the time

Quinn: I originally thought at 11 or more so 12 but nahh it's almost 3 now.

Fuensexual: ik, I can read time

Quinn: the sass is mighty real

Fuensexual: it what makes me Vic

Quinn: Victor*

Fuensexual: cringing, don't call me that

Quinn: k Victor

Fuensexual: I guess I'll be staying home then *dramatic long sigh*

Quinn: stop fucking around :-(

Fuensexual: sorry :-)

Fuensexual: :-(*

Quinn: asshole

Quinn: 3:30?

Fuensexual: 3:30 what

Quinn: the date you idiot

Fuensexual: alright see you there babe

Quinn: wtf

Quinn: babe?

Quinn: oh my god

Quinn: screaming

Fuensexual: I meant to say Kellin


Quinn: STOP LYing

Fuensexual: :"-) alright, I have to change

Quinn: ok bye x

Fuensexual: I will never understand why 'x' means kisses

Quinn: shut up and change

Fuensexual: ok

Fuensexual: babe😉

Quinn: tease.


A/N: thanks for understanding but I felt bad about not updating :(

So here ya go.

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