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I was thinking of doing a sequel to this book.

Idk yet.


Quinn: you're taking forever

Quinn: forever wiiiiith me

Quinn: they say that love is forever

Quinn; your forever is all that I needddddddd

Quinn: please stayyyyyyyyy

Fuensexual: shut up

Quinn: ok that was rude

Fuensexual: I'm ready hurry up and come

Quinn: I'm already here though

Fuensexual: oh, ok then. I'll be right down.

Vic walked downstairs and walked out to the front of the house locking his door. He came out to see Kellin out front waiting for him.

"How long were you waiting?" Vic asked,

"Long enough," Kellin chuckled starting the car. They sat in comfortable silence listening to I Miss You by Blink 182.

"I have something else plan for later, this is just for us to eat something" he smiled, parking his car at our destination. Of course a restaurant, it wasn't a fancy one though.

Some people recognized Kellin from his band. Vic got a little scared but they soon sat down in the far back.

"You know, I don't know much about you" Kellin stated and Vic shrugged.

"What is there to know?"

"Um well, I go to Mission Bay, if you didn't already know-"

"You do? My nephew goes there, his name Trevor Bostwick, you know him?" He said as soon as a waitress. Vic eyes went wide, and he started muttering "no" all over again.

"Are you ok?" Kellin sounded worried. He moved over to Vic's side of the booth.

"Vic? Vic, breathe!" Kellin started shaking Vic.

"Get away from me" Vic yelled. His eyes started wondering around the place.

Kellin, obviously, didn't know that his so called 'best nephew in the world' was bullying his so called 'love of his life(?)' for more than 4 years.

"What's going on here?" A worker came over. Kellin didn't know how to answer. He took Vic's hand and figured he needed fresh air.

"Vic, talk to me. What happened? Was it a memory? Or did I trigger something?" Kellin had both hands on Vic's shoulder, strongly looking in his eyes.

"Trevor" Vic whispered,

"Trevor? Him? What did he do?" Kellin asked. Vic didn't answer. He just cried. To be honest, Trevor done lots of things in the past.

Trevor was Vic's first friend. Literally. They were really close, but not too close. Technically, he's the reason for all the abuse that Vic gets. And the fact that Vic's mom wants a divorce and want out is hard for him.

To skip all that, Trevor ditched him for brother, Mike. Mike wasn't important to Vic's life ever since Mike teamed up with Trevor to do some...things, to Vic.

To explain everything, Vic and Miks of course in younger years, were close. Mike was always happy and care-free Vic was always quiet and sad. They told each other everything, which is why this was a bad thing.

You get the point to sum things up, Trevor was the reason why he's like this. Why Mike is a drug addict, why his family is so abusive, why his world is so...broken. And here he is, with his uncle.

"Vic? What.Did.He.Do?"

"E-everything" Vic muttered, shutting his eyes. "You're related to him. He's related to you." Vic said trying to get things straight.

"Yeah, this date is going pretty badly, ok, let's skip dinner and go to our actual date, sounds good?"

Vic just nodded.

The car ride was silent with Vic sniffing and wiping his eye numerous times.

"We're here" Kellin said. They both got out of the car. Vic followed Kellin to their destination.

"Ice skating?" Vic questioned,

"Yep" Kellin grinned. It was his favorite place and he hoped Vic would like it.

They both checked in, and got their shoes.

"You know I can't skate right?" Vic mumbled slipping his shoe on.

"Bummer, guess I have to hold you the hold time"

"Nope, you know what. I got this, I can do this on my own" Vic said proudly. They both stood up, and Vic already fell. Kellin laughed,

"Stop laughing and actually help me up" Vic snapped.

"Sorry," Kellin helped him up, then guided him towards the wall for support.

"I don't need this thing for support, I told you, I got this" Vic said.

"Alright then, skate" Kellin back up, watching Vic wobble and struggle.

"I guess you have everything under control" Kellin winked, "See you on the other side" He skates off. Vic yelled out Kellin's name for him to come back as he repeatedly began to fall, the worse part, was falling onto the metal skate. Vic held on against the wall and looked all over for Kellin but this place was packed.

"Fine, I'll do this myself" Vic muttered trying to skate, but ended up falling again. He got back up.

It happened all so fast that Kellin came from behind and picked Vic up bridal style making him scream.

"You dick!" Vic screamed holding onto Kellin with dear life. Kellin laughed.

"Watch out!" A girl from behind said as he rushed passed them making Kellin loose his balanced and they both fell.

"That hurted, like a lot a lot" Kellin groaned. Vic chuckled,

"Thanks for saving my fall"


They both started to laugh. Out of nowhere people started aww'ing and chanting 'kiss'. People attention was turned onto the jumbo screen where Vic and Kellin appeared on. Vic blushed while Kellin basically laughed his ass off.

The chanting got louder, so Kellin, obviously went in first for the kiss.


A/N: This was shit, I know.

I'm tired and still sad as hell
They won't let me visit her at the hosptial because 'family members only'

And this chapter was based off of my previous date with my ex bc yolo (the ice- skating part)

And yes, he was the ex trying is get me back

And my arm is swollen

Q:// if you were to live in one place, where? //

A:// Australia or Italy af

Maybe the UK//

Btw thanks for 10k woo hoo and 1.6k votes

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