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{Vic POV}

I waited anxiously for Beatus. I was excited I get to see what he looks like. I bounced my knee up and down, taking several sips of my Starbucks coffee.

"Please Beatus" I muttered. I really want to explain what happen -- or what I think happened. I have the letter Jaime gave me and I think that's what led up for this.

I looked around the place to see anyone who made eye contact with me or who looks like a guy named Beatus.

I looked at the time and sighed. I've been here for an hour and no one approached me. I felt crying.

I stayed for another hour, hiding my face of tears. Every costumer that walks through the door makes my heart race thinking it's Beatus... but it just shattered all into pieces.

I wiped my tears, and went to throw away my 3rd coffee for today. I guess he stood me up, he's not coming.

It's just revenge for him huh? He haven't told me he loved me in the past couple of weeks. I mentally frowned slowly walking out of the place. The sky was now orange/ yellow/ red-ish color that was slowly turning blue. I gave out a sigh and started walking back out onto the concrete sidewalk.

I shoved my hands in my pocket, messing with the pebbles on the floor.

"I don't know about you but it's rude to walk away from something you planned. Did you set me up?" I heard of voice behind me making that made me jumpy.

"What the hell?" I held my chest turning around.

"Kellin? What are you doing here?" I asked confusedly. He shrugged, shoving his hands into his pocket. He looked around hoping no one would notice him.

"I thought you invited me over? You know to Starbucks, isn't that what you said yesterday?" he tried sounding calm and cool. My eyes grew wide and my mouth formed a 'O' shape. He laughed at my reaction,

"No... no way, you can't be..." I covered my mouth. I was debating whether I should freak out or be mad. I kind of decided on both,

"Oh my god, you asshole!" I screamed slapping him in his face. "why didn't you tell me this was you when I first saw you? Please tell me you're lying to me. So this is why you were ignoring my calls? Please tell me you aren't him"

"I would, but that would be lying" he muttered, "Um, since I'm here now, explain."

"No. No way, you lied to me, you fucking lied"

"What exactly did I lie about? You never asked if I had black hair, blonde hair, blue hair! You just wanted to see me in person."

"But... why did you tell me it was you when we first hung out?!"

"Where's the fun in that?" He argued back with a smirked.

"Dick. To think I actually fell in love with a dick" I threw my hands everywhere, turning around.

"I guess we are both mad at each other, huh? Well you told me to come here and explain but now you won't tell me" Kellin groaned in annoyance.

"I want you to leave," I muttered,

He laughed, "no you don't." I huffed.

"See, you're totally a girl in this relationship" Kellin laughed. I shook my head,

"No. I'm breaking up with you, I don't want to be with you, I want to be with Beatus" I said, hoping whatever Kellin was doing is some prank.

"We are kind of the same person?" He frowned, "well if you want to end it then fine, I wasted my time coming here" He gave up. You can tell by his face that he's obviously hurt,

"Wait Kellin hold on." I stopped him,


"Do you really love me or is this all just fake, like for your fame? Do you do this to all your fans?" I asked out f curiosity. He planted a grin on his face, and walked towards me.

"You really do ask stupid questions..." he rolled his eyes,

"So yesterday on kik, why didn't you say or back? Is it because you had other boyfriends" I crossed my arms. You can tell his mood changed from happy to serious. He looked down and started kicking his feet into the pavement.

"No, I don't. I was just hurt and scared"

"Scared of what?"

"You told me you wanted to break up with me then you disappeared. How was I suppose to feel? Huh?"

"For the last time, it wasn't me! I would never do that and you know better! Here, read this" I took the note out of my pocket and shoved it to his chest, literally. He rolled his eyes opening the folded paper. I watched as his eyes moved from left to right.

"Why would he -- I will fûcking ki-"

"Not now" I stopped his sentence taking back the note. "I really don't know what happened or what the hell he did to me but he kept telling me that I deserve better -- and by better he means setting me up because he got in trouble"

"Trouble? Like what?"

"I don't remember! I can't remember anything really beyond the point that I told you, it's all a blur!"

"Right...right whatever" he said. It turned into an awkward silence, like one of us had something to say, but we're just too scared to say it.

"So, you're Beatus huh?" I tried making a conversation,

He made eye contact, "shut up you ass and kiss me" he said slamming his lips into mine. I instantly kissed back as he furiously held my hips in place (sounds like a sex scene).

Once we pulled away, "fuck, I've been waiting to do that for a long time" he smiled resting his forehead on mine. I chuckled, biting my lower lip, looking his blue/green eyes.

"I have to go" he said looking at his phone. I nodded, unable to speak. He went on his way and I went another. (2 direction, I cri)

"Oh yeah and Vic" he called out. I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"You're one horrible kisser" he grinned, walking off, while I embarrassly stood there.


A/N: yay they met woo hoo

I hate this lol

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