Track 15: Conversations in the Dark (Sakusa)

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Conversations in the Dark by John Legend

Talk, let's have conversations in the dark

World is sleeping, I'm awake with you, with you

Sakusa had been tossing and turning in your shared bed for over five minutes when you finally tap him.


"Oh did I wake you?"

"No, no," you tell a white lie, sparing his feelings, "I was up, you okay?"

"Yeah, just can't sleep."

You tiredly pull the covers off of you and walk out of the room, only to pop your head in a few seconds later, asking "you coming?"

Watch movies that we've both already seen

I ain't even looking at the screen

You put on your favorite movie, one you had made Sakusa watch at least ten times, or however long it took for him to love it too. Though as much as you both enjoyed the movie, neither of you are actually watching it. You were trying your best to go back to sleep, and Sakusa was burning a hole through your head with his gaze.

It's true, I got my eyes on you

"Stop staring at me," you groan, leaning into his chest, as you feel yourself going back to sleep.

"Sorry, sorry," he whispers, planting a kiss on your forehead.

On Sunday mornings we sleep in 'til noon

Oh, I could sleep forever next to you, next to you

The most movement Sakusa did to get out of bed was sitting up to turn off his alarm before he pulled you closer into his chest as he laid back down.

You hum softly, as you say, "hi Omi,"

"Morning, beautiful."

And we, we got places we both gotta be

"Don't you have early morning plans?" he asks you and you nod into his chest.

"I'll cancel. But aren't you going for your run-"

"I'll skip it."

But there ain't nothing I would rather do

Than blow off all my plans for you

I won't ever try to change you, change you

It was the day you came home crying and Sakusa practically jumped off the couch to come and comfort you.

"Hey, hey," he says softly, bringing you in for a hug as shushes your cries and strokes your hair. "What's wrong?"

"Am I too much for you?"


"'Cause I just feel like I am and I think that maybe we-"

"Don't... don't finish that sentence. I love you, okay."

You mindlessly nod and he repeats, "I love you."

"I heard-"

"All of you, I mean I love everything about you, so nothing, and I mean nothing, is too much."

I will always want the same you, same you

Swear on everything I pray to

"Omi-Omi, come out with us," Atsumu whines and Sakusa turns to see Bokuto and Hinata staring at him with pleading eyes.


"You never come," Bokuto reminds him.

"Because I don't want to."

"Why!" Hinata groans.

"You always go to pick up someone, I have someone waiting for me at home, who I'd love to get back to."

"I miss when you were single," Atsumu confesses, rolling his eyes.

"Miss it all you want," Sakusua says as he throws his bag over his shoulder, "never gonna be single again."

That I won't break your heart

I'll be there when you get lonely, lonely

"Hey, sweetheart," Sakusa says, answering the phone.

"Hey, are you busy?"

"No, we're just wrapping up. Why?"

"Um- my friends and I were going to do a painting class together but they canceled so I'm gonna be home for the night. If you want me to make you anything-"

"Y/N," he interrupts, "I like to paint too."

Keep the secrets that you told me, told me
"Omi!" you drunkenly scream.


"I have a secret."


"I wanna tell you, but- but! You can't tell anyone, kay?"

"Okay," he agrees, smiling all too amused.

"I don't like volleyball," you whisper, and his lips slightly part.


"I don't-"

"I heard you. Y/N you've come to every one of my games since we started dating."

"That's- that's..." you pause, blinking for so long, he thinks you fell asleep, "that's just 'cause I love you."

"That much?"

"So much! But- but you can't tell anyone, remember."

"Okay," he says, nodding, "I won't tell a soul."

And your love is all you owe me

"Okay," says as the two of you stare at yourselves in the mirror.

He turns to you as if to ask for your approval and you nod saying, "we look good."

Sakusa's team was having a banquet which meant you being around a lot of people you didn't know all too well, and Sakusa being around a lot of people; needless to say, you two weren't thrilled.

"Can we just stay home," he pleaded

You turn to him, adjusting his bow tie and you smile, as you answer, "aww, no."

You swear you see him pouting and you bring your hand up to his face, rubbing his cheek with your thumb, "hey, I got you tonight."


"Mhm," you confirm.

"Then I got you too."

"Me and you, right?" you ask.


"As long as you'll have me," you joke, and before he answers, he extends out his pinky and you interlock it with yours as he seals his promise of "so forever then," with a kiss.

And I won't break your heart

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