Track 10: newly unrequited

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newly unrequited by Leanna Firestone (slash track of DYWBF and role reversal of track 3)

"I like you, Y/N," Tendou confesses, and your eyes go wide.

"I- Tendou I don't, feel the same, I'm so sorry-" you stammer, and instantly a smile appears on his face.

"Oh, no it's fine, it's fine, it's okay."

Despite his words of comfort you start to cry anyways and he pulls you into his chest.

"Don't cry, it's okay."

"I'm sorry," you sob.

"It's fine," he repeats.

"Your my favorite person and I love you, just- just not like that, I'm sorry," you apologize again, still opting to cry into his shirt rather than say anything to his face.


"I still wanna be friends."


I know I said we could be friends

I'm sorry that I went back on my word

"Tendou," you sing and he forces his lips up into a smile.

You open your arms out to hug him but you can see his head make the small movement of shaking his head 'no.'


Before you can finish, he excuses himself saying, "I gotta go to class."

"Oh, okay, take good notes," you encourage but it was practically to yourself as he already left.

But please know I did try

I just hadn't realized

You're standing at your locker talking to Ushijima who was surprisingly very interested in your conversation. Tendou passes by and you wave him over. He pauses, you looked different, you'd always been pretty, but now you looked as if you were glowing. As he got closer he saw Ushijima, his stomach churning at the idea that his teammate and best friend was the reason why.

He starts to walk away.

"Tendou," you call after him.

"Is he okay?" Ushijima asks.

"I don't know, he hasn't talked to me in weeks."

How bad seeing you be fine without me was going to hurt

I was devastated, it was humiliating

Shiratorizawa has their final match before they can go to nationals coming up this weekend and every time you come to watch their practice, Tendou was always messing up more than usual. And every time you tried to talk to him about it, or even talk to him at all, he would run the other way.

So your visits to the team to see Tendou turned into talking to Ushijima instead, which only made him distance himself more if that was even possible.

After practice one day, you call Tendou waiting anxiously as the phone continues to ring, across town, Tendou stares down at his phone, waiting for your name to go away before he even bothered touching it again.

"You've reached the voicemail box of-"

Because you never owed me anything

Much less reciprocation

Love newly unrequited

While Shiratorizawa played a good game, they still ended up losing to Karasuno. After everyone had cleared out of the gym except a few stragglers, you helped Ushijima make sure all the players were there, before the coach made them jog back to the school.

The way you stood next to Ushijima made his blood boil, and for the first time, Tendou came up to you still not saying anything before he led you out of the gym.

It made me villainize you

"What the hell?" he all but screams.

"Really? That's the first thing you say to me? You've ignored me for what, two months, and the first thing you say to me is that?"

"You know why I'm ignoring you."

"Because I rejected you?"

"Ding ding."

"You said we could be friends!"

"Friends don't throw themselves at the other's friends!"

"Excuse me?"

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."

"Ushijima? Please, do you forget that I knew him before you? The world doesn't revolve around you, you fucking asshole!"

"You said you loved me," he recalls.

"I did! I do!" you scream.

"Then why can't you notice being friends with you is killing me!"

' "Are we still friends? You never talk to me, so why even said that we were is beyond me!"

"You're right, you're right, I should have never said that we could be."

"So why did you!"

"What was I supposed to say? You were crying in my shirt acting like you were the one that was hurt!"

You take a pitiful exhale, mentally taking a step back as you whisper, "I was hurt."

"You don't get to be hurt when you're the one who broke my heart," he tells you.

"That's- that's unfair."

I was so hurt

"What's unfair is how incredibly selfish you are!"


He turns around quickly to see Ushijima standing at the gym door, Ushijima's eyes quickly darted over to you as he heard the smallest sniffle. He sighs and chooses to address it later, for now just announcing, "time to go."

You aggressively wipe off the tears that began streaming down your face and turn to Tendou asking, "you were done right? Cool."

Ushijima holds the door open for you whispering something in your ear that Tendou couldn't hear. As the two of you walk back in, the door closes leaving Tendou in the hallway alone.

It takes a few seconds before he finally realizes all the things he said, "what did I just do?"

It was easier to be angry than to be sad

So we can't be friends

Later that night, as Tendou lies in bed trying to sleep, his phone chimes, and he hopes that it's you, his worries lifted when he sees your name displayed across his screen; only for his heart to sink a few seconds later when he reads the message.

Y/N: you were right

Tendou: what are you talking about

But not because I don't like you

Y/N: it was unfair of me to want us to still be friends

Y/N: and now I see why

We can't be friends

Tendou: no

Tendou: no

Tendou: I was just upset because of the game I shouldn't have taken it out on you

Y/N: how it came out was irrelevant, you were right

Y/N: we shouldn't be friends

Y/N: It was good until it wasn't, right

Because of how much, I do

Tendou: please don't do this

Tendou: I'm sorry I didn't mean it I swear

Tendou: Y/N, please

Free Msg: Receiver unable to receive message - Message Blocking is active.

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