Track 3: "Do You Wanna Be Friends" (Akaashi)

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"Do You Wanna Be Friends" by Leanna Firestone (part 2 is track 5)

You're gonna tell him. Today is the day you're finally going to tell him. He'd invited you over to 'talk' and with how things have been, that can only mean one thing. So yeah, you were gonna tell him, you're gonna tell your best friend that you're in love with him. Finally.

    You knock on Akaashi's door and after a few seconds it opens and he lets you inside, leading you up to his room. You can feel your legs shaking as you take your usual place on his bed while he instead chooses to lean on his desk on the opposite side of the room.



    "We're friends right?"


    "And you know I'd never want to do anything to compromise that?"

    "Yeah, me neither."

    "Well, I have something to tell you."

    "Me too."

    "Oh, okay, um do you wanna go first?"

    "Um- we can go at the same time?"

    "Sure," he smiles.

    "Three, two,-"

    "I like your friend."

"Do you wanna be friends?"

I mean I wanna be more

"I love y- what?" you ask, voice cracking

But if "friends" is how I get to have you

    "No, did I ruin things?" he worries and sits down next to you on the bed only for you to move away. "I did."

    "No, no, you didn't ruin anything."

    "Are you sure-"

    "I'm sure!" you blurt out. "We're fine."

    "Good," he says, taking a long sigh of relief. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

    You pause, biting down on your lip before you say, "nothing."

Then "Sure."

The world won't end If you don't love me

Bokuto heard a knock on his door, he was confused especially since he hadn't been expecting anyone. Nonetheless, he gets up to answer and upon seeing your puffy tear-stained cheeks, was all the evidence he needed to know that your heart was broken, and looking at you like that just about broke his too.

Even if it feels that way

And so I'll be your best friend

    "You sure?" Akaashi asks for confirmation.

    "Yep," you confirm, swallowing all of your pain and pride in one gulp, "go get her," you encourage, referring to your friend standing at the other end of the hall.

    "Thanks," he says before walking off.

    "What are friends for," you whisper.

Simple as that

And when you play pretend

That things are the way they were

    "Keiji," you call as you enter the gym, walking up to him and handing him his sports jacket. "Stop leaving all your things at my place during movie night."

    "Sorry, sorry."

    "Ohhh, movie night," Bokuto questions. "Why didn't you invite me?"

    "I just wanted it to be me and Y/N."

    "Careful," Konoha warns. "Your girlfriend's gonna get jealous."

    "Of Y/N? Look at her, who wouldn't be," he smirks.

    The team gawks at the comment, earning a small blush from Akaashi, who found it funny. You however find it suffocating and quickly excuse yourself.

I won't flirt back

No, I'll be quiet in my pining

I won't tell you about the pain

    Akaashi always walks you home everyday, it was a normal routine but something about this time felt strange. Granted, you were realizing being friends with someone you were in love with was wearing harder on your heart than you thought it would. But now it was as if he was feeling it too, or he was feeling something because he barely said a word the whole walk home and his demeanor just felt off.

When you arrive at your house you stop walking and turn to him, asking "Keiji are you-"

    "Bye Y/N," he says quickly and leaves in the direction of his house.


I'll be silent

    Tears start slowly rolling off of your cheeks as he walks away. He's still close enough to where if you called out for him he would hear you, maybe he would stop, maybe he would come back and comfort you, hold you maybe- maybe. You don't say a word.

In the night when you text me

    It's pushing one in the morning when your phone starts vibrating, you feel around for it in your bed, wondering if you could possibly be texting you at this hour. Once finding it, you flip your phone over, squinting at high brightness as you read 'Keiji.'

Keiji <3: hey

Keiji <3: sorry about earlier

Keiji <3: and sorry that I'm texting so late

Keiji <3: I need to talk

Keiji <3: I need to talk to you

Keiji <3: Y/N please

    No, you're not gonna let him do this. You're not gonna let him ignore you all day and still be expected to be his therapist in the middle of the night. You couldn't be that person for him anymore, you're not that person for him anymore. If he needed someone to text until dawn he had a girlfriend for that, you're not gonna be who he runs to when she falls asleep first.

    You turn your ringer off, before getting up, setting your phone on the other side of the room and going back to sleep.

And ask "Hey. Are you awake?"

Keiji <3: Y/N

Keiji <3: we broke up

Keiji <3: I broke up with her

Keiji <3: and I really need to talk to you about that day

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