Track 2: Friends to Lovers (Daichi)

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Friends to Lovers by Melina KB

"What's that babe?" you ask, peeking over Daichi's shoulder, after seeing him look down at something in his hands almost lovingly.

    "Oh," he says startled and clutches his hand covering up what he was holding. "Just something Michimiya gave me for the game, like a good luck charm."

    "Oh," you whisper. "Like the one I gave you."

    "Yeah, sorta." Sorta, except he never looked at the one from you like that.

Don't act like you're jealous

They'll call you psychotic

But I shouldn't be wondering

Who you will go to prom with

    "Hey," Sugawara calls, catching up to you in the hallway and you turn around to face him.

    "Hey, Koshi," you smile.

    "Has Daichi asked you yet?"

    "Asked me what?"

    "The party? Aren't you going together?"

    "Um- he didn't ask me yet," you confess, slightly embarrassed.

    "Oh, strange."

    "Yeah," you agree and look down the hall to see Michimiya and Daichi laughing together at her locker. "Really strange."

You say she's relaxed

Hey! I can be laid back babe

    "You're coming over to study right?" you ask your boyfriend at lunch and he turns over to you biting back his tongue. "Don't look at me like that."

    "I was gonna study with Michimiya."

    "But you had plans to study with me."

    "It's just that she's really smart and I need help with math, you get it right?" he asks you but gets up before you can answer, kisses your head and walks away.

    "Yeah, I'm smart too, Dai," you mutter.

I take it like a champ when she's stabbing me in the back - wait

    At practice you're stretching out your left leg when Michimiya comes in and you approach her.

    "Hey, Y/N," she greets you warmly.

    "Hey, cap', um-" you pause, "we're friends right?"   

    "Yeah, of course, we've been playing together since middle school-"

    "Do you like Daichi?" you ask bluntly and her face turns bright red.

    "Wha- wha- what? No, of course not," she stutters. "I would never."


I don't want to judge her

    "She's literally lying to you," Aihara says.

    "No shit."

    "Don't get mad at me, I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend."

    "She's not stealing my boyfriend," you defend her.

    "She likes him."

    "Yeah, I know but it's hard not to. But she told me she wouldn't go after him and-"

    "You trust her?"

    "I do."

But I can't be naive

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