Chapter eight

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(Sorry if it's a little rushed!!)

Henry POV

Clambering at my surroundings, I arose to my feet. My legs were heavy and muted in functionality - but I didn't want William to look down on me like that again. William himself stood stretching in the doorway of his office, his slender figure pushing to the top of the frame.
"Getting up?" He rested his shoulders to his sides, automating a series of small exercises. He seemed pleased with himself.
I limply stood idle to his energy, rolling my shoulders back to abbreviate my already advancing back cramp. He had definitely awoken in a positive spirit.

My throat continually scratched to my discomfort, distracting me from my rapidly apparent issue. I pretended to hold my back in order to lean forwards, William proposing his attention within a second of delivery.
"It's getting lighter outside, and the storm is starting to clear!" His smile threw to the butterflies in my stomach, my muffled discomfort leaking to an enthusiastic grin. Perhaps we could make it outta here just fine...

As if on queue with my ambition, I suddenly writhed in tension as my stomach conversely pulsed, applying pressure to my thighs; the absence of my composure could not have been anymore obvious, my hand darting to my hip in order to prevent a quiver. Why must my body hate me so much?!
"Umm... Henry, you're not having another panic are you?" I clambered my eyes to meet with William, alarmed by his anxious expression. Luckily he didn't notice of my awkward tilt forward, and my clenching to his eyes to distract him from studying me below the waist.
"No, just back cramps!" I smiled, my eyes clipping through his faltered grin. This was an annoying situation...

"That sucks, man." William drew his stretches to a halt, resting his back against the door. He looked cold but refreshed, a timid glow from his rested features.
"You wouldn't mind if I left for a minute, eh? My son may have tried to contact me as I left my phone in security." A tinge of guilt ran course in his voice, a sudden urgency rising in his realisation.
"Uhh that's fine... I have to go to the bathroom, anyway..."
William gave me a short nod of approval before rushing from the office, my mind silently assessing the events from when I first woke up. It was strange to provide conformation to my boss... Standing up straight, I tossed my arms above my head to stretch - ignoring the agonising pressure. I was all alone now; was I seriously about to to this?...

Treading out the office, I painfully sped walked to the restroom, refusing to look at the condition of the outer building on my way. My eyes were fixated on the end of the hall, praying that William would not return in my wake. When safely arriving to the door, I hesitantly pushed my weight against the red painted wood; my heart pulsing in a rare anticipation. I didn't desire to consider my commitment in these actions, but simply required relief of my inconvenient drive in lust.

Entering the room, the lights flickered to an amber radiance, a tumbling whirr automating within my presence. In a urge of desperation, I locked myself into the end stall, hastily sitting on the lid and propping myself to comfort. One would hope William would take a while, at least long enough to drown the tension - with my dignity as stake, I fumbled my hands to my belt, tearing off my buckle...

Any constructive criticism is appreciated!! :))

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