Chapter 20

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It was easy. A piece of cake really.

I pulled up my sleeve and showed my mark. The black snake squirmed underneath my skin as one of the guards ran their fingers down it. I walked through the derelict courtyard, lines of body's hung above me like towels on a washing line. The smell burnt my nose. I approached the entrance hall, my brother's body swinging carelessly, he was nothing more then skin and bone and he had now been joined by Hermione. The golden trio were finally complete again. There was a sign that had been carved into the stone above the three of them.

' May their souls die slow and painfully.'

I gulped down the little emotion that had crept up and scrambled through my brain, remembering the real reason i was here. I let out a brief sigh and waved my wand in-front of my face. My face was enclosed by a cold metal and my peripheral vision was no longer. Despite the fact no one could see my face, i hardened my expression regardless to try and make myself feel the way i needed. I slotted into line behind a marching line of other death eaters and we paraded through the hall. Screams of terror collapsed onto my ear drums and the sight of innocent limp limbs scarred my mind. No of us spoke until we reached the marble staircase where Draco was stood half way up barking orders at approaching people. Everyone scattered, then he reached the last two. Me and whoever was behind that mask.

"Tower. Now."

We nodded and strode off. As we reached the empty hall, the person beside me pulled his mask off and flashed his dark brown eyes in my direction.

" THEO?"

His finger flew to his lips and his eyes narrowed as he stared at me.

"Take it off."

Hesitantly, i reached for my wand and let my protection disappear into smoke.

" Blair? What the hell are you doing here?"

" I could ask you the same thing." I couldn't. I knew the answer. He had always been Draco's right hand man, nothing had ever changed. It was an inescapable fact. Nott and Malfoy weren't ever going through split over a matter of blood status. He raised his eyebrow and awaited an explanation, i was so clumsily trying to string together.

" I won't tell Blair. The power went to Draco's head man moons ago. He understands little human connection anymore, I wouldn't trust him."

" For Astoria."

His face fell as if he could see the cogs turning in my head. His eyes flickered to my finger, that was still bare, then back up to me. " I'm going to need some context." I filled him in, every little detail leading up to this very moment. He didn't seem shocked, surprised, hurt, he just seemed amused. "You know Potter. I always hated you, but now? Well now, i admire you more then anything," he chuckled as he stuck the mask back to his face and twisted his wand around his fingers. "Let's go get your life back littlen."

A wave of appreciation hit my in the chest. Theo and I had never seen eye to eye. I had no reason to believe a word he spoke, yet i did. In a way it settled my thoughts.

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

She looked weak, run down. A white clothe was wrapped around her head and shoved in her mouth. As we approached her, muffled whimpers tried to escape but were blocked by the clothe. She shook her head furiously as we grabbed her below the arms. Her bones jolted through her skin, i could feel the scars and scratches that's lined her under arms.

She deserved every one.

I intentionally dig my nails in to her skin and joy surges through my nails, up my veins and into my heart. The joy was being pumped around my body and i couldn't stop it. I brushed Theo's hand away and slammed her into the stone wall behind, both my hands pressing  down on her shoulders. She wriggled her jaw so the clothe dropped out her mouth, her eyes pleaded with me although she was non verbal.

" Why are you doing this?"

She deserved it. That's why.

" You ruined my life," I seethed, getting inches from her face. I twisted. Pulled out. And felt the warm liquid seep onto my fingers. I held them in the break of dawn light and the corner of my lips twitched at the sight of crimson dripping from my fingers. Her eyes grew wider as her hand found the sopping patch on her skin. And she sobbed.

It was music to my ears.

She sobbed so hard, i'm convinced she bled  out quicker. Her fault. I wiped the blade on her dress and slotted it back in Theo's pocket. Turns out it's useful that all men carry knives now a days. I watched with pleasure, joy, excitement, triumph as she slowly turned pale and collapsed into a helpless heap.

She deserved it.

Her fingers twitched as the rest of the life melted into the floor. The floor deserved it more. Blood begun to pool around her stomach, staring the satin of her ripped dress and dying the end of her light brown hair an ugly dark shade that couldn't be called a colour. She no longer looked beautiful; she looked dishevelled. She no longer looked worthy of a minister; she looked nothing more then a squib. I pulled a tiny vile from my top pocket, bent beside the pooling magical blood, and scooped up a drop or two, stoppering the glass with a cork and threading it onto a chain.

" What are you doing with that?"

" Just a little keepsake," i shrugged, dropping it back into my pocket and patting it, the smirk beneath my mask growing.

" What happened to the blair we all despised."

I pulled off the leather gloves that were protecting my clean hands and put them together, running my finger down the seam. "She died Nott. She died the moment i agreed to marry the minister."

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