Chapter 7

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By the following day it was as if his breakdown never happened. He was as anger driven as ever, even more so, i would argue. He stormed through the front door, his heels slamming down sharply on the wooden floor. He clicked his fingers repeatedly until a house elf came darting from the nearest gloomy corridor and took his bag and coat and hung them up. He came charging straight toward me, so automatically i begun backing into the walk behind me. His cold grey eyes were filled with a burning flame of fury. He yanked my left hand to his eye-line and inspected my ring finger before throwing down by my side again and clearing his throat.

" We are fucked Blair. Your going to have to fake it. An intimation takes days and it's tomorrow," he muttered, rubbing his temple with one hand and pulling his thick black framed glasses off with the other.

" What Draco?" I attempted through his devious muttering. He paused for a second and glared at me as it was a deadly crime to interrupt his one sided conversation.

" The Death Parade Dinner," he replied bluntly as if i should of known and i was the one being audacious. " Every Death Eater brings their family to a dinner, we celebrate the day we finally gained control. Basic knowledge Blair. Since i'm the Minister of Magic and my Dark Lord's right hand man, i'm expected to attend. To attended with you, a Potter, is bad enough but the fact you have the stupidity to refuse a dark mark as well makes this a lot more complicated."

My mouth had fallen open and my eyes felt as if they were popping out. I squinted as the words slowly formed in my brain to make sense. " What if i don't go and you just take Scor-"

" THATS THE ISSUE!" He slammed his hands into the walk beside me in frustration then leant his head in between them. " News of my engagement spread quicker then Voldemort's rise in power."

"Oh.." was the only thing I could allow myself to speak. I blinked a couple times still trying to make sense of what was happening and i repeated myself.

" OH indeed Blair. Just put a nice LONG sleeved dress on and hope no one asks for proof. Don't forget to bad mouth your brother," he sighed, closing his eyes as if to regain a focused mindset before continuing. "Take Scorpius out with you. Get him something decent to wear and a dress for you. Keep you hood up." He jabbed his stiff leather wallet into my hand and gestured for me to get out of his sight. I went to walk off to gather my things just as he shouted one last thing at me that made me shiver. "AND FOR FUCK SAKE BLAIR PRETEND YOU LOVE ME."

Really, it sounded impossible, but i could at least try just so i would be able to have the chance to talk to people outside the four walks of the manor. Still with my back turned i nodded then dashed up the stairs straight for my room. I threw myself into my door, exciting bursting through my veins at the opportunity to finally leave. I slid open my wardrobe door and grasped hold of my black hooded, long , leather coat, slid on some tights to cover my bare skin then pulled the hood over my head, tucking all my hair back so it couldn't be seen. I glanced at the mirror, i was still recognisable. I ran my fingers along the frames of my glasses and slowly started to pull them down my nose, my glassy green eyes staring nakedly at me in the mirror. I collapsed the arms and left them on the chest of drawers by my side.

I walked down to Scorpius room a couple doors down and knocked a little louder then intended on his door. He opened it a crack leaking threw and sighing as he saw me then opened it the full way.
" Bl- Mummy?" He stuttered, nonetheless beaming up at me with a toy train clenched in his right hand.

" We are going out," i announced rather proudly, inviting myself into his room, dodging the train tracks that were scattered all over his floor. i picked a coat from his wardrobe and held it to his level as he slid his arms in and dropped his toy train into a basket.


" Shopping, dad says we need to get smart clothes for a fancy dinner tomorrow."

" Death day parade," he sighed, shrugging his shoulder and pulling on some freshly polished black shoes.

" Im sure it will be okay," i tried to reassure as he castles his tiny fingers around my hand and we headed toward the front door. I kept repeating the phrase in my own head, i felt i needed more reassurance then both of us combine. Lying to sadistic villains was going to be far from easy, but to get away with it as well was near enough an impossible stunt.

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My dress was snug, it clung to my curves in a suffocating way, it wasn't elegant. The lace sat uncomfortably, brushing against my cleavage and the zip pressed into my back. I pulled at it and wriggled around in the mirror, desperately trying to make in comfortable. It picked out every insecurity, every flaw, every little thing i hated about myself. It let my arms drop nakedly by my sides, exposing all the blisters, scars and cuts that were plastered up my arms. After an unsuccessful hunt to find a long sleeved dress that met Draco's standards, we managed to agree on a pair of long satin gloves that would cover the appropriate amount of arm. I lost hope of wriggling into comfort and slid my hands into the soft satin gloves. They say right in the crease of my elbow, covering where, if i had one, my dark mark would be. I leant forward so my nose was almost pressing against the mirror. I begin pulling at my skin, trying to rub away the impurities. I caked layers of makeup on, hopelessly trying to make myself appear less pale and malnourished. Not matter how hard i tried my eyes still appeared like lifeless black holes and my skin was ghostly and torn. A single tear fell from my left eye, dragging a trial of mascara with it as i stared numbly back at my reflection.

Unknowingly, Draco was stood in the door way sniggering, staring at me in delight as i cried at my own appearance. He approached my slowly, the freaking floor boards catching my attention, but not enough for me to tear my eyes away. He joined me in the reflection of mirror and his hand started to roam my body. He stood closely behind me, every inch of his front pressing against my back. His hands slithered around my waist, pulling me against him. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as he felt around my waist and ran his hands along the sides on my ass which was pressing just below his belt. Without warning his lips tickled my neck and his tongue teased my skin. " Remember to love me Blair," he said breathlessly as he forced a harsh kiss on my taunt skin. One after the other his lips left a brutal trail of nonconsensual kisses down my exposed neck, each growing a darker shade of red like he was carelessly painting a bloodied night sky. I stood bearing each kiss, begging it would be the last but deep down i knew i would have to grin and bear it the whole night. 'Remember to love me Blair,' rung through my ears as he sucked the skin on my collarbone.

" Yes Draco," i mumbled, my voice splinting from fear as i felt him poke into my back in a way i truly dreaded. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath pleading my trembling breathing would stop. However the prominent bulge in my back made it impossible for me to draw my attention into calming myself.

" Oh no, this just won't do." He whispered sinisterly in my ear, caressing my lobe with his lips as his hands span me around to face him. He stared down at me with a taunting glint in his eye, his hands fiddling furiously with the buckle of his belt. My eyes swarmed with tears as i realised what he was about to make me do. But regardless of my emotions he yanked the belt from his trousers and forced me down to my knees. I caught my breath, and reluctantly allowed my lips to meet the tip, squeezing my eyes shut as i silently begged to be somewhere else.

A/N ~ sorry to disappoint and rob your from smut little lovers , just hang tight ;) <33

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