Chapter 18

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The dress was ugly, but it was all Harry would let me
buy. He said we couldn't get luxuries in case we needed the money for a more important cause. But i desperately wanted to feel beautiful for just one night. As looked in the mirror i held the frilly pink dress up against myself, i had to blink back my tears of sheer dissatisfaction and disappointment. The door to my dorm swung open without a knock and the twins appeared, one either side of me, suppressing their laughter.

" What is that Mini Potter?"

" I believe that's her yule hall dress Georgie."

I couldn't help it anymore. The tears rolled down my cheeks and I collapsed into a stroppy heap on the floor, with the dress crumpled up in front of me. I sensed the twins give each other that look before they crouched down beside me.

" It's not that bad."

" Yeah Freddie is right. It just needs a bit of... fixing."

" ITS HORRIBLE!" I whined, holding up the sleeves of the dress and grimacing at the lace, frilled cuffs.

" Ok, your right."

" Yeah it's disgusting."

I let out a loud sob and buried my face into the scratchy fabric. I wasn't going, i didn't have a date, then to be seen in this? I would of been the talk of the school.

" Right Freddie, grab an arm." My arms were caught in there grip and they hoisted me off the floor muttering underneath their breath. " First we dispose of this rag."  George picked the dress up between two fingers and tossed it into the glaring flames off the fireplace. "Oops. I slipped."

" Now let's find Mini Potter, a date, and a dress."

" How do you know i didn't-"

Freddie pressed a finger to my lips and shushed me then gave me a cheeky wink that said he just did. I had learnt to accept that the twins, 'just know things,' and knew to not question it any father.

" Lucky for you, Georgie and I are amazing at transfigurations."

" Yeah, we'll turn Harry into a bag of money and you can buy yourself a dress with him." My eyes widened, never sure if they were serious or not, led me to a little bit of panic that was quickly subdued by George tapping my shoulder and laughing. "Chill out Blair, We quite enjoy Harry's company ourselves."

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I had the most beautiful dress there was. The night of the ball I stood admiring it in the mirror and smoothing out the pleats until my date came to collect me. My hands were tingling with excitement as there was a knock at my door. I quickly gave myself a once over in the mirror and slipped on my heels. I was ready. And I was happy.

I opened the door, smiling uncontrollably as his eyes looked me up and down and his lips curled into a smirk. " I have a great choice in dresses.."

I laughed a little and took the arm he had offered me. " You don't look bad yourself Georgie."

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

As I walked in with my arm intertwined with George, my eyes caught sight of a uptight looking Malfoy stood a couple inches from Pansy Parkinson. We walked past and i felt his eyes watch me, i chewed the inside of me cheek as he opened his mouth, preparing to throw and insult at me, instead he just let out a breath and dropped back into the crowd of people. I bit  back my grin, even I left Malfoy speechless.

That's where this mess began.

I danced the whole night with George, taking occasional breaks to laugh at Fred tripping over his own feet, my brother attempting to awkwardly flirt with people until they dismissed his invitation to dance. I did feel bad for, however he had ended up leaving early anyway. Eventually,  I excused myself from George's company, i didn't want to ruin the fun he was having plotting pranks against Fred's date. 

The hallway was quiet and only streaks of moonlight lit the hallways enough for me to see without the assistance of my wand. Or at least, i thought the silvery glow behind me was the moon, however it was slowly getting brighter. I turned, expecting a teacher to be behind me, patrolling the corridor.

" Are you following me..."

" You just look hot tonight Potter." His voice sent a sensation that felt like an ice cube slipping down my spine. He approached me, my instant reaction was to step backwards, but he continued to push forward. My back met the wall, I had nowhere else to go. He reached toward me and his finger tips begun to grace the outline of my body. His hand slipped around my waist and settled in the small of my back, tearing it away from the wall. His other hand reached for my hair, tangling it around his fingers. He leant in closer so his lips clipped my ear as he spoke. "So beautiful." His lips started exploring my jawline, so gently, so carefully, that i couldn't help but turn to liquid. His hands slid up my face and drew it toward his so i lips connected.

His lips were on me.

Malfoy's lips were on me.

It was my fatal flaw, that i could get so addicted by a kiss.

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