Chapter 6

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The silver ring was heavy on my finger. The stone shone brighter then the silver glow of the moon. I was sat in front of the painting at the end of the hall, as stupid as it sounded i was starting to believe what Scorpius had told me. Everything felt so different since Hermione had died, like i had no one too protect me, but the painting just called out. Draco was out working again that morning as i jabbered onto the painting about the mistake i made and how i felt cowardly agreeing to marriage instead of death. However, part of me was still begging for a normal life with a family, since i was little it's all i dreamed, i never had my own so i desperately wanted to love a child of my own. I told all this to the painting, which i thought was completely ludicrous, until i felt something brush past my shoulder and loiter at my side.  The corner of my lips twitched into a smile as i looked to my side, expecting to see nothing. Instead Lorie was sat cuddling his knees, staring at the painting as well.

" Miss Blair Potter sits in front of this everyday, Lorie cannot help but wonder if she wishes for something."

My smile turned into a pity frown as i looked down at the house elf, disappointment creeping into my heart. I shook my head taking a movement to gather myself and find the right words.

" Lorie, i just want an inch of hope i can grab out to reassure me. Something or someone from my old life before i made all the wrong decisions."

I felt his skinny arms wrap around mine and his cold ears leans against my shoulder. Seconds later another weight hung from my arm. I looked to my other side and Scorpius had joined us,  holding a flimsy circle of paper in his other hand. He had clearly just got out of bed, his hair was fluffy and his black stripped pyjamas were still warm against my bare arm. I was unconsciously smiling at the small boy as i watched his nestle into my arm. My attention was drew away by Lorie tugging on my finger then scuttling away down the corridor, like he was hinting that being alone with him was a good time to talk. Which in fact, it was.

" Scorpius?"  I didn't get much of a response back, just a faint grumble. " We need to have a little chat."

He slowly lifted his head and wiggle his ear, pulling his heavy eyes open and tightening his grips around my arm.  " Am i in trouble?" he mumbled, his eyes instantly welling with tears as my smile dropped.

" Oh no. Definitely not," i comforted, pushing his hair back out his eyes as he sniffled away the tears. "So as you Dad told you, Astoria, is-"

"Not a good person?"

" No, yes? I'm not the right person to ask. Anyway.." I stuttered as i tried to find the correct words to tell a child the truth. "Many years ago, before you were born, i met you dad... We liked each other a lot like he used to like Astoria." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, it all suddenly felt too much and too real, but something i desperately needed to tell him.

" Are you okay?"

" Yes i'm ok Scorpius. I'm just finding my words."

" Can i help? Where did you loose them?"

I chuckled softly at his innocence, surprisingly it gave me enough courage to string a sentence together, that brought my father in the correct direction. " We had a little boy after some time together.."

" What happened to him?"

" Well, he, got taken from me a while ago and stayed with your Dad. Until now. When I finally got to see him again. Yet, he thinks i'm a random person." I smiled gently as him as he furrowed his brows and scrunched up his mouth, looking at me puzzled and confused. I knew then that i just had to come out with the truth and stop finding a way around it. "That little boy is you Scorpius."

Tears fell from his eyes like waterfalls. He wiped his nose across the back of his hand in a fit of hysterics. He let go of my arm and dropped his head fiddling with the piece of paper in his hand and mumbling under his breath, words i couldn't quite understand. I placed a hand on his back, rubbing it gently, unsure whether his emotions would good or bad and in need of comforting. After a minute of snotty tears he lifted his and i could see a weak smile forming. He dried his cheeks with the sleeve of his pyjamas, although his tears continued.

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