Chapter 8

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We walked in like the perfect family of three, like we were the picture perfect family that didn't have any problems, that weren't forced together. Draco's hand was tightly around mine so his nails dug into my skin and Scorpius was stood in front of us trembling. We had all followed the strict dress code as well, Scorpius in a black suit with a bow-tie, Draco the same but with a tie which he clipped to his shirt with a silver pin.

The entire hall was a sea of black suits and dresses. The colliding of glass flutes and deep wine glasses rang around the hall, drowning out the low hum of chatter. There was a sharp tug at my arm and my feet moved forward in time with his, i forced my best smile and we started to make our way down the staircase. Everyone paused their conversation and all attention was on us, well, mainly Draco. Applause erupted as we reached the bottom step and we were swarmed by a crowd off people. Each fought to shake his hand, yet he didn't let go of mine.

" Minister.." said a younger girl, her voice was breathless and excitement shone in her eyes as she shook his hand furiously, but Draco kept a straight face.

" It's good to see you sir.."

" Looking dashing tonight .."

"Lovely family here Minister," a short man mocked as he engulfed my entire hand in both his. He begun to tug harder, pulling my glove down inch by inch. I knew if i pulled my hand away my glove would come off. I forced a smile and tried to wriggle my other hand from Draco's grip so I could both hold my glove up and pull my hand away. Draco's eyes snapped in my direction as i tore my hand free. It took a second for his angry glare to fall on the squat man in front of me, who by now was smirking evilly, his grip tightening.

" Do you want a job by the end of the day Macnair," he said calmly, towering over the man with fury lighting his eyes. Macnair nodded silently, meeting the same intense stare. "The i suggest you let go of my wife." His grip loosened instantly and Draco stepped in front of me. His fingers pinched the top of my glove and he yanked it back up to top of my arm, then ran his hands over it, flattening the silk and brushing it clean. " Conniving little man.." he muttered under his breath as he ran his hand down my shoulders and scooped Scorpius into his legs.

The crowd had dispersed by now and pockets of people were dotted around whispering amongst themselves. My hand had been tugged back into his and i was being dragged over to a group of people in black suits with suspenders. They all looked important, stood in a huddle each with a crystal glass half full of whisky and the exact tie pin Draco had clipped on before we left. As we joined the group of men they greeted us with a lot less excitement then anyone else, they exchanged a nod and continued their conversation with Draco as if he had been there.

Having no idea what they were conversing, gave me time to let my eyes wander. The hall was cracked marble all over, with a grande stain glass window in the top corner. I peered through all the heads and the other side of the room was a women with long black hair and dainty arms that were clearly bruised and scraped. She turned slowly, a smile curling up on her lip until she met my eyes when it dropped almost immediately. I fought my way through the room, Draco to involved in his business to notice my absence. I reached her with joy coursing through my veins. Her ice cold hands wrapped around my bare shoulders and she pulled me into a tight hug and without hesitation i did the same.

" Blair, Merlin, I didn't think i'd ever see you again."

" What are you doing here! We all thought you died Cho." I pulled away and kept her at arms length waiting for an explanation.

She looked at me with a sinister glow in her eye which she casually shrugged away. "Anything to escape death Blair. You should know." I peered down at her battered arms and it stared back at me. I was surprised I hadn't seen it before, it had swallowed up her entire forearm. "How about we get a drink? Tell me how you've been?"

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