Chapter 4

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I woke up to an envelope being slid under my door. It was stained with drops of coffee and black ink yet there was no name on it. However there was only one person it could off been from, since i wasn't allowed any contact with anyone outside the manor. I stayed in bed for a few minutes, staring at the envelope, debating if it was worth opening, but something was just too intriguing about it.  I swung my legs out of bed and scooped up the package. It wasn't just a letter as i had originally thought. There was something else in there.

I slid my finger under the black wax seal and tore open the envelope. My heart fluttered slightly sad i hooked my finger through a chain that was attached to the splinter of wood from the other night that had mysteriously disappeared.  A hole had been burnt through the splinter and it was threaded onto a necklace. There was also a roll of parchment screwed up in the corner of the envelope, that looked as if it was trying to be forgotten. I turned the envelope upside down and shook it so the roll fell into my palm.

' Blair. I know what it's like to loose a mother. This doesn't mean anything is forgiven or different. It's simply just a gesture.
D.M '

I screwed the parchment up and tossed it down beside my bed, refusing to believe Draco could do a pleasant thing for somebody. I stared at the necklace in my palm  for a moment before hooking around my neck so it sat between my collar bones. I wasn't going to mh to stop the giver from ruining the gift itself. Now i could forever keep my mother by my heart, both mentally and physically. I went back to my bed and perched on the edge as i stared at the open cupboard of clothes. There was no variation, it was filled with the same black dress that I had worn my first day here, then every other day that followed.

I dragged myself to my feet and threw one over my head, pulling at at around my waist so it would sit right. A breeze broke into my room through the open window making my hairs stands on end as i tugged a jumper over my head. I closed my eyes for a minute and leant my head against the wall, replaying the other night. There was a lot to comprehend. My attention began to be consumed by my spiralling thoughts until there was a small tapping at my door.
I opened it and saw Scoripus stood the other side looking down at his feet with a limp white flower in his hand.

" Morning Scorpius, everything ok?"

He didn't say a word, instead held the flower out toward me. He tried to straighten it back up but it immediately flopped back over again as he let go.

" Is that for me?"

He nodded quickly and placed it in my open palm. "Lorie told me you could keep it forever if you squashed it." He glanced up at me, a tiny smile twitching on his lips as I traced my fingers carefully along the petals. " I found it this morning after i went for a walk with Lorie." He rambled on for a while, telling me about his walk and all the pretty things he had seen. He remained in my door, getting progressively more excited with each new thing he mentioned. Only by the end of the conversation did i realise that Lorie was the house elf that Scorpius had befriended. Suddenly, he stopped talking and his head snapped to the left like a switch had been flipped. I peered around the edge of my door frame, but nothing was there, then i noticed the lamp above his head wobbling as if someone had hit it.

" What's is it?"

" He's here," he mumbled, pressing his fingers to his lips, signalling to me that i had to be quiet. I nodded slowly, and cowered back into my room, admittedly slightly scared  by his out of pocket statement. "He's watching over you."

" Who is?"

" Him." He pointed toward the empty corridor , staring back at me like it's was obvious, as if i was the one that had gone completely insane. "He lives in the painting."

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