Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six (Skye's POV)

It's kind of like since I began talking to Rose, the gates of this whole social arena opened for me without my even realising it, I mused as Annie and Michael smiled at me in History.

As I sat quietly reading from the textbook - Mr Harris was a rare example of a kind teacher, and often let us do as we wanted - I glanced up to see Annie staring at a blonde-haired boy at the front of the room.

I think his name is Jenson or something, I recalled as I took in his relaxed shoulders and boisterous laughter. I flashed to a few months ago when I'd seen him drop Rebecca's art book in the dirt, and shook my head. He doesn't seem like a very nice person...

I was distracted again from my reading by a younger student opening the door and silently passing Mr Harris a note. The middle-aged man stood, jokingly telling the class to behave while he ducked out, and walked out of the classroom.

The increase in volume was instant and palpable - I saw people laughing louder now that the teacher was gone, and some even standing from their desks to move about the room.

Frowning at the front of the classroom, I saw Jenson approach Michael with a predatory smirk that chilled me more than Mr Mosley's ever could. "What's up, fag?"

I felt the blood drain from my face in a second and stood shakily. Annie - moving faster than I thought possible - was already out of her seat and striding across the room. The previous noise fell to a hush as all of the curious teenagers waited for a fight to unfold.

"Leave Mickey alone, Jason", She said firmly - and with her straight shoulders and hard eyes, I almost forgot that she was shorter than him.

"Did I offend you, Anastasia? Sorry - I forgot your sister is a dyke", Jason sneered airily.

I trailed closer, to stand beside Michael's desk - the quiet boy looked as if he were hoping a hole would open up and swallow him. I felt my stomach twist, seeing his disquieted expression and pursed lips.

As Jason stepped closer to Annie, I mentally begged Mr Harris to come back and stop before things went too far. "I guess it's true what they say about poufs - you're so spineless that you need a girl to stand up for you". I noticed Mickey's fists clench, and wished that Rose wasn't across the school grounds for Agriculture; I knew she wouldn't hesitate to shut down this bully.

"I guess it's true what they say about you, Jason; you wait until a teacher isn't around and then pick on people you know full well won't fight back. If Rose or Nate were here right now, I bet you would change your tune in a heartbeat. Fuck off before I put you in your place myself", Annie almost snarled, and her eyes darkened in anger.

Jason opened his mouth to respond but stopped short when Mr Harris' no-longer playful voice cut in, "I leave you alone for two minutes, and you look ready to start a brawl, Anastasia. I thought you had more common sense than your sister". I looked at the teacher and noticed that he was smiling wryly instead of actually scolding Annie until he turned his attention to Jason and frowned severely. "And you, Mr Lee, would do well to remember that Westwood has zero-tolerance for bullying and discrimination".

How does everyone in this town have the ability to make their voices so scary when they need to? I wondered with a shiver. I need Rose to teach me...

Jason flushed, moving back to his seat. I didn't miss the knowing smirk Annie sent him, mouthing what looked like coward at him before returning to her desk. I lingered beside Mickey for a second, wanting to show him my support - but I couldn't find the right words.

I smiled appreciatively at Annie as I slid in beside her, "You really can be as intimidating as Rosie when you try - it's wonderful".

The red-head laughed and reached forward to squeeze my shoulder, making me feel younger - as if she were older and more mature than me. "I may not punch holes in walls like Rosie, but I can stand up to people when needed".

I nodded, considering her words, "Has she really punched a wall before?"

Annie chuckled with what I would describe as a devilish smirk, "You have no idea, Skye".

Mr Harris cleared his throat, so I guess we weren't speaking as quietly as I thought. "Ladies, this is a classroom - please do something productive, so Principal Jones doesn't fire me".

Even as I went back to skimming the textbook, I found myself glancing at Annie every few seconds. I remember a workshop we did in middle school about bullying; I was terrified - not of being a bully - but of being a bystander, that stood by and let someone else get bullied. I always thought the bystander was more culpable than the actual bully - and that it was much more shameful...

I resolved to keep my eye on Mickey - no one deserved to be belittled or insulted just because of their sexual orientation. I might speak to Sara in English tomorrow and make sure Michael is alright...

I glanced up, feeling my skin prickle, and met hard grey eyes. Jason glared first at me and then switched his attention to Annie, somehow seeming to grow colder and more furious.

I have a bad feeling about him...


When I walked out of History with Annie and saw Rose in her signature pose against the wall, I couldn't help the small smile playing around my lips. I remembered the book she gave me this morning, and how she bought me lunch and wrote notes in class so I wouldn't miss out.

"You ok, Anns?" Rose asked in a worried tone. She must have a sixth sense to know when her sister is in trouble...

Annie smiled far more casually than I ever could, "I had it under control, thank you very much; Jason is a sleazeball, but I can take him".

"Nate isn't very impressed that you have been covering up for Mickey - and I can't say I disagree with him. If you had told us how bad Jason was getting, we would have dealt with him sooner" Rose said softly, as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder absent-mindedly.

I shivered at the casual and emotionless way Rose discussed "dealing with" Jason.

I watched silently as Annie's eyes darkened once more, They really need to fix the fluorescent lighting in this dingy old school. "I could give two fucks what Nathan thinks. I'm just looking out for Mickey - he asked me not to say anything to anyone".

This time, I not only wished for a sibling - but a whole family.

Everyone in this town seemed so interconnected; they all protected each other, even if they didn't spend every lunch hanging out or talking. I flicked my eyes to the tall brunette playing with the edge of my hair, And Rose is right at the centre of it all - making sure her friends and family were safe with this stubborn determination that I find really attractive...

Melted chocolate eyes met my own, and Rose's frown lightened into a cute little smile, "Are we still on for some study this afternoon? I am absolutely psyched to go over my Calculus notes with you".

I giggled - marvelling at how my mood had shifted on its axis since this morning. I no longer felt as tired or down, and it was all because of Rose. She certainly is one of a kind...

When we reached Rose's car, I bit my lip to see Nate already leaning against the door with crossed arms and a scowl. I caught Rose muttering something that sounded like "play nice" to her sister before she opened the car door for me.

I smiled tightly in thanks, worried about the suddenly electrified silence that fell when Annie stepped in front of Nate. I prepared myself for yelling - coaching myself on not freaking out when they started to raise their voices.

When Nate just stared down at Annie silently, it felt tenser than if he had exploded. She stared back at him, eyes narrowed, and chin raised defiantly. I glanced uncertainly at Rose, but she just rolled her eyes and cleared her throat - seeming far too used to the odd behaviour of his best friend and sister.

I tried to follow her lead - ignoring the loud slam of the car doors as we settled in.

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