Chapter 28

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"Your thoughts dwell on Twitch," Rhodes commented as he stopped under a tree.

Lena rolled her eyes as she sat on a nearby stump. "Doesn't take a Jedi to figure that out. What did you want to talk to me about?"

Rhodes rubbed his chin and considered his words carefully. "Let's just say... you are special."

This comment sparked Lena's interest. "Alright, I'll bite. How so?"

Rhodes chuckled as he jumped into a tree to sit on a branch. "What do you know of the Force?"

A puzzled look grew on Lena's face. "Uh, isn't it the power that Jedi have?"

"Not quite." Rhodes started. "The Force resides in all living things. It is an energy field that binds the galaxy together. The Force is not a power that we have. One thing that separates us from other organisms is that Jedi are sensitive to the Force and can manipulate its power to some extent. In the end, the will of the Force is what controls everything."

Lena remained confused. "Ok, well what does this have to do with me?" She asked.

Rhodes grinned as he replied, "You Lena, are Force sensitive. It was no mistake that we met in that cantina on Nar Shaddaa. The Force works in mysterious ways, and I believe you joined my crew for a reason. It was through the Force that you were able to defeat Dev's lieutenant and save Twitch. The Force is the reason that you were able to sense Twitch's presence. The Force is strong with you, Lena."

Lena looked down at her hands, examining both sides. "So does this mean I am a Jedi?"

"Not now." Rhodes began. "To become a Jedi, you must be trained on how to use the Force. It is a tough life which is why I am giving you a choice. I know you signed up to be a bounty hunter but through this whole ordeal, I have come to a realization. I have been living as though the galaxy will go on with or without me. I now know that I can still have an impact, even though the Republic and the Jedi Order are gone. I know this to be my new path and it is up to you to choose if you come with. Although my own Jedi training was incomplete, I can train you in the ways of the Force. It will not be easy so if you wish not to join me, I can take you back to Nar Shaddaa or wherever you want to go. It is up to you now, but this is a path I must take."

Lena put a hand on her chin and stared at the ground. The information that she was given was a lot to handle. Did she really want to devote her life to fighting?

She went to open her mouth, but Rhodes spoke first saying, "I can sense the uncertainty within you. You don't have to decide now. It's been a long day."

Lena nodded and smiled. "Alright, shall we go back and check on Twitch?"

"Sure," Rhodes responded.

Lena jumped up from her stump while Rhodes jumped down from his tree.

On the way back, Lena couldn't help but ask, "So, about the book I found. Did you actually make that stuff up?"

Rhodes let out a chuckled before saying, "Nope. Every word you read was true. That was me during the battle of Coruscant toward the end of the Clone War. That was the last volume of books that I wrote detailing the whole war. I even might let you read the rest someday."

Lena grinned, looking forward to reading more about Rhodes' adventures.

The two walked the rest of the way to the village in silence, Lena still processing what had just happened.

Once back at the village, the people could be seen going about their business. A positive mood emanated from them as they finally felt free.

The rest of the crew was still sitting outside the medical tent. Abie, Skye, and Keiran were exchanging stories of the ordeal they had just endured.

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