Chapter 13

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The Violet Kestrel hurtled through hyperspace, making the long journey back to Teth.

Rhodes had set up a table and some chairs using crates of supplies in the cargo hold. Abie, Twitch, Rhodes, and Lena sat around the makeshift table and were playing a friendly game of Sabacc.

The card game was popular throughout the galaxy, so it was no surprise that everyone knew how to play. One surprise, however, was just how good Lena was at the game.

At this point in the game, she had a decent lead over the rest of the crew.

"How have you gotten so good at this game?" Rhodes asked, visibly frustrated at his lack of success.

Lena shot him a smirk as she claimed another pot. "When you are stuck on a moon where there are many cantinas full of gamblers, one tends to pick up some tricks."

The next hand, Rhodes tried to maintain a straight face knowing he had a good set of cards. He tried to read the other players but never could get a read on Lena.

The betting started, eventually coming to Rhodes. Rhodes rose to his feet and proceeded to push all his remaining credits into the middle of the table.

Abie and Twitch both looked at each other and tossed their cards on the table indicating they were out.

The betting came to Lena who maintained a straight face the whole time. She pushed the appropriate number of credits in the middle to match Rhodes' bet.

Rhodes let out a laugh and yelled, "Got you! Pure Sabacc!" Rhodes laid his cards on the table revealing that he indeed had pure Sabacc.

He reached into the center of the table and went for the credits before Lena placed her hand on the table. "Idiot's Array. Sorry, Rhodes, I win again."

Rhodes was dumbfounded that Lena managed to get the only hand that could actually beat him.

Realizing he had been defeated, Rhodes slumped back in his chair with no comment.

Lena collected the credits with a smirk on her face.

A few more hands went by before Lena eventually beat the other two. As she counted her credits, the navicomputer began to beep indicating their arrival to Teth.

Hunter brought the ship out of hyperspace with Teth coming into the viewport.

Rhodes and Lena walked to the front of the ship and took their seats in the cockpit while Twitch and Abie took their seats in the cargo hold.

The Kestrel cut through the foggy atmosphere until the village was within view. A column of smoke rose from the center of the village.

Rhodes looked on in disbelief as the smoldering remains of Rose's house could be clearly seen. "Oh no, what happened while we were gone."

The ship came in for a landing, setting down in the same spot as before.

Right as the Kestrel set down, Rhodes rushed out of the ship with his blaster in hand. He was soon followed by the rest of the crew who had drawn their weapons after seeing Rhodes draw his.

Rhodes ran toward what once was the Dixon's house. He found the Dixon family huddled around the charred remains of the building. Skye was walking around it, sifting through an area that was no longer on fire.

Rose turned to face the crew as they ran up saying, "No need for blasters my friends, it's over."

Everyone holstered their weapons with confused looks on their faces. Rhodes was the first to speak up asking, "Rose, what happened?"

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