Chapter 4

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The Violet Kestrel sliced through the thick polluted atmosphere of Nar Shaddaa. Rhodes sat in the pilot's seat with Skye manning the co-pilot's seat. Hunter sat plugged into the navicomputer ready to make the jump to hyperspace.

The Kestrel was an HWK-290 light freighter that Rhodes had modified to increase its combat capabilities. The ship had twin ventral laser cannons that provided some forward firepower. He also added a rotating bubble turret, accessible by a ladder in the cargo hold.

The Kestrel had six thrusters that Rhodes had to rotate in order to make room for the turret. The ship as a whole still did not possess much firepower, but instead relied on speed and maneuverability to get out of most dangerous situations.

The cargo hold did not have much space, but Rhodes made it work. It had a few seats for passengers as well as secret compartments for storage and smuggling. Portions of the walls also folded down to form two separate cots for each of the normal two crewmates.

The door to the ship was located on the port side behind the cockpit and adjacent to a seating area for passengers. The paint job was old and distorted, but the ship once sported a dark green exterior.

Overall, the ship was perfect for the job of a bounty hunter and the place that Rhodes called home.

As the spaceport faded from view, the crew began to breathe easy.

"So, how do we get to this 'Teth' place?" Rhodes asked, leaning back in his chair.

Skye got out of her chair and headed toward the back of the cockpit. "I will give the coordinates to Hunter to put in the navicomputer and we should be on our way."

As Skye was giving Hunter the coordinates, the radar in the front of the cockpit began to beep. Skye rushed to the front and looked at the screen with shock. "We got three light fighters closing fast. We have to move."

Rhodes scrambled to get the ship moving. "I probably shouldn't have let that last mechanic live. Those ships are the Hutts trying to collect on our little incursion back there."

Lena popped her head into the cockpit to join in the conversation. "Should've let me kill her." Lena giggled with a smirk on her face.

Rhodes whipped his head around and began to repeat what Lena had said in a mocking tone. "Just get to the turret. It is up the ladder in the back. The controls should be self-explanatory. Do not fire until I give the word. I'm going to see if I can't talk my way out of this."

Skye glared at Rhodes. "Yes, because that always works out for the smooth-talking Captain Charles Rhodes," she said sarcastically.

Hunter began excitedly beeping, seemingly agreeing with Skye. "Hush, both of you!" Rhodes shot back.

The light on the transponder began to flash. "Here we go," Rhodes muttered. He pressed the button letting the message come through.

"Attention vessel, you stand accused of crimes against the Hutt Clan. Surrender your ship at once or we shall open fire. This is your first and final warning."

Rhodes cleared his throat before responding, "Hello my friends! There must be some mistake. I think you have us confused with another ship."

The line went silent while Skye cringed. "That the best you can think of? Another brilliant move Charles." Skye chuckled.

As she finished her sentence the fighters opened fire sending bolts whizzing by the port side window of the cockpit. Rhodes turned a sharp left and cut the engines allowing the fighters to fly past. "Lena, now would be a great time to fire back!"

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