Chapter 18

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Abie sat in the control room as her frustration grew. She had finally given up on trying to get control of the doors back.

She had made her way to the other side of the room where several monitors were lined up on the wall. Abie got to work slicing her way into the surveillance system.

The monitors flashed to life showing different parts of the facility. She focused in on the hallway the crew was stuck in. She was intrigued to find Rhodes and Lena to be in some sort of argument.

Lena was animated and appeared to be yelling at Rhodes. The equipment in the control room was old enough that Abie was not able to get any sound so she could only guess what the two were arguing about.

The argument eventually ended with the two seemingly coming to terms.

She watched Rhodes approach the door that stood in the way of their advancement. She wondered how he would get through the door, but she assumed he had a plan.

Abie watched as Rhodes reached for his belt and ignited his lightsaber burrowing it into the door.

"Of course, he's a Jedi." She said to BO-Z, who was watching next to her.

It all made sense to her now. A grin spread across Abie's face as she learned the truth about Rhodes' past. She had a feeling he was different. How else did he know so much about the galaxy and be such a skilled warrior, all at such a young age?

It also explained why he was so vague about his past before they had met. All she had known was that he was born on Coruscant and left shortly after the end of the Clone Wars.

His being a Jedi would explain why he left. It coincided with the beginning of the Jedi purge.

While it did bug her that Rhodes never told her, she understood. Some people don't like to dwell on the past and she just assumed Rhodes was that way.

She also knew the Jedi for what they were and not the picture the Empire painted of the Jedi.

When her home planet of Onderon was under occupation by the Separatists, she was part of a rebel group that tried to overthrow the illegitimate king.

She got to know the Jedi when the Jedi Council sent three Jedi to advise them and help win back their planet. It brought her hope knowing that some survived the war.

Abie watched in amazement as Rhodes cut a circle in the door. She was filled with hope and confidence knowing that they had a Jedi on their side.

Rhodes was nearing completion of the circle he was cutting in the door.

Before finishing it, he paused for a second and closed his eyes. He held his hand against the door and looked back toward his crew.

"There are probably droids behind this door. Here is the plan, I will push this piece of the door through. That is sure to get their attention. Then, Twitch, I would like you to toss in one of your thermal detonators which should take out any remaining droids."

Twitch nodded, reaching into his backpack. He produced a small sphere and slid a switch into place, priming the detonator.

Rhodes finished cutting through the door, completing the circle.

He stood back from the door and ordered everyone to stand clear.

Rhodes let out a powerful Force push dislodging the durasteel disc. The piece of metal went tumbling down the hallway taking out multiple droids along the way.

It eventually slammed into a much larger door which was presumably the door to the throne room.

The droids that managed to stay out of the path of the metal disc turned to open fire. Blaster bolts flew through the opening in the door causing the crew to hug the walls to avoid the incoming fire.

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