Chapter 12

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Teth's sun was directly overhead. The village was quiet, with a few people walking around doing chores. Rose's children were playing with a ball in the street, the two boys attempting to keep the ball from their younger sister.

Rose and Skye sat beneath the overhang that sat above the doorway to Rose's house. The two were relaxing in the shade waiting for Rhodes and Lena to return with the help that they had promised.

Rose was beginning to get anxious waiting for them. She already had reservations about putting the fate of her village into the hands of some bounty hunter Skye had known years ago.

Initially, she chose to trust Rhodes because Skye vouched for him, but that trust was fading as the days went past.

The anxiety finally got the better of Rose when she finally blurted out, "Where is this guy? He said that he would be back in a few rotations. That was days ago."

Skye, who had her eyes closed, opened one to look at Rose.

She seemed unphased at Rose's concern and calmly replied, "He will be back. Despite our struggles in the past, I know Rhodes. He is a man of his word. He wouldn't take this job and abandon us. Plus, I have never seen him more desperate for money."

Rose was still skeptical but accepted Skye's answer. "If you say so. I just want this village to be free once again. This oppression has gone on long enough."

Rose leaned back in her chair and tried to relax but her brain was stirring with anxiety as she waited.

Rose began to close her eyes when a noise could be heard quickly growing louder.

Rose scrambled to her feet to see what the sound was. She was excited at first because she thought that Rhodes had returned.

She made it to the center of the village and looked in the direction of the sound.

Her excited expression quickly ran away from her face as she recognized the ship. It was a Separatist shuttle. Normally they only came down from the monastery whenever the village harvested their crops. That wasn't supposed to happen for another week.

Rose called for her husband who was inside. Keiran ran out of the hut to see what his wife wanted. "Have Skye take the kids upstairs and have them hide. He is here."

Keiran and Skye ushered Kyp, Kanan, and Lily back inside as Rose continued to stand in the middle of the village.

As the ship got closer, more villagers noticed it and ran for cover. Keiran re-emerged from the hut and stood next to his wife.

The shuttle landed in front of them, and the boarding ramp lowered.

Out walked five B1-series battle droids who proceeded to surround the Rose and Keiran. Two IG-100 MagnaGuards were next to exit the shuttle.

One of the battle droids spoke up first saying, "The general would like to speak to the leadership."

Keiran attempted to step in front of Rose to respond but she put her hand up to stop him. "This village has no leader but I, Rose Dixon, will speak on its behalf."

She stood her ground and was surprisingly composed considering the situation.

"How brave of you!" a voice boomed out from the shuttle. All eyes were on the shuttle as a man emerged from the ship standing in front of them.

He was a tall Kiffar with a medium build. The tattoos on his face were yellow and ran under his eyes. He pushed back his dark dreadlocks and stared at Rose with a smile.

He proceeded to walk around the two as he began to laugh.

"I am not sure that I ever properly introduced myself. We met shortly after the Clone Wars, but you may not remember me."

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