Chapter 25

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"Almost there," Kenz said as he turned the corner. "You guys were on the right track. Had you not turned down the hallway to find me, you would have run right into the main reactor room doors. If we just take a left hand turn up here, we will be there."

Lena squinted at the tall Neimoidian. "How can we trust you? How do we know you aren't leading us into a trap?"

Kenz scratched his head. "Because I would rather not die on this ship today. I have no doubt that you will certainly kill me if I pulled anything."

Lena smiled and pulled out a knife, spinning it around her finger. "You got that right."

Kenz shuddered upon hearing this. He soon shook it off and continued down the hall. Kenz went to turn the corner but quickly scrambled back, bumping into Lena knocking her to the ground.

Lena scowled as she jumped to her feet and cocked her fist. Twitch soon intervened, grabbing a hold of her. She squirmed in his arms as he attempted to hold her back. He clasped his hand over her mouth to prevent her from yelling.

"Lena! He didn't mean to. Compose yourself. We have a job to do."

Lena relaxed in his arms and tried to slow her breathing.

Once he was sure she was done struggling, Twitch let her go.

Lena crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, glaring at the two men.

Twitch ignored Lena's stare and turned his attention to Kenz. "So, what did you see Kenz?"

The Neimoidian peered around the corner just enough to get another glance. "Yes, just as I expected. There are a pair of droids guarding the entrance. There is a chance, however, that no one knows I escaped. With the number of droids that you people destroyed at the monastery, and there being no new droids being constructed, we have been running a bit thin. I have a plan but you both need to trust me."

Lena scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Not a chance buddy."

Twitch motioned Lena to calm down while considering his options. "Let's at least hear him out. I have a feeling I know where he is going with this."

Kenz nodded to Twitch and began to explain his plan. "Alright, I will go in first and talk to the droids. I will try to get them to turn their backs on you. Once that happens you two should be able to take them down."

Lena flipped her hair back and snatched a blaster pistol from Twitch's holster. "Why can't we just blast them? It's only two measly droids."

Kenz shook his head. "If we do that, any guards within the reactor room will come running. If you want a shot at blowing up this ship, you will need to utilize stealth."

Kenz and Lena both turned to look at Twitch for a final decision.

Before saying anything, Twitch held his hand out until Lena returned the blaster.

He pondered the plan for a second before coming to a decision. "Alright, we are going to go with Kenz's plan. After all, he is the one taking the biggest risk. This will give him an opportunity to prove his loyalty. Kenz, you may proceed with the plan."

Lena thought about objecting to the plan but when Twitch explained who was taking the risk, she no longer cared.

Kenz took a deep breath and rounded the corner.

The droids guarding the entrance to the main reactor stood watching the hallway ahead of them. Suddenly a figure appeared at the end of the hall walking toward them.

The two droids looked at each other with one saying, "Is that one of the bosses?"

The other droid shrugged and tilted its head to the side.

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