Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


It was Sunday and I knew better than not to be at my parents church when they told me to come. They even emailed me and told me to bring Manny and Shelly as well and the kids. We sat in the front row. As soon as I got there looks who's here my family. It's not that I didn't love my family they were just to damn religious for me. They were also hypocritical, judgemental etc. That's why I stop going to church when I moved out because of that. I hate people that judge and act like they don't make mistakes. I know Shelly is very uncomfortable because not only is she gay but she's a atheists. We been friends since pre-k. I see she didn't have any snacks during snack time so I shared my animal crackers with her. She then let me color a page in her princess coloring book and that was the start to a beautiful friendship. My parents hate her though. They hated all my friends. Me and Shelly use to date in high school but two physically abusive people don't go together. She was gasoline and I was the fire. We even shot each other at the same time. If it wasn't for Michelle being there we would be dead. But it was a nice high school romance. I put on a fake smile as I seen my aunt who is Michelle mother. She didn't even come to her own daughter funeral. I hated her with a passion. When Michelle was 6 she sold her for $2 and a bag of cocaine. She was eventually found running down the street crying naked.

Aunt Pattie: Look at my niece all tall and fine

Melissa: Ummmm okay

She pulled me into a tight hug and she had me a little to close. She made me feel very uncomfortable. I was then greeted by my parents, and younger sister. She is 12 and I haven't seen her since she was 10. She's a little mini on the down low. We still talked on the phone a lot and she tells me everything. She told me she was bi sexual and she had a girlfriend and a boyfriend. She goes to the same catholic school i went to. Her girlfriend doesn't go to her catholic school though.

Mary: Big sister I missed you so much

Melissa: I missed you too" she said wrapping her in a tight hug and a big real smiled appeared on her face

After that my parents pulled me aside. They said they didn't invite me here to argue or fight. They was having a family dinner and they had some news to tell me. The rest of my family would be there as well.

The service went by really slow. I don't even know what my parents were talking about half of the time. After that we went back to their house were I was greeted by my older identical twin brother Jerry.

Jerry: I heard some shit about you sis, how long you been a lesbian

Melissa: A long time

Jerry: Well at least now I got somebody to go to strip club with

Melissa: Lol and if you're wife hears that

Quinn: Hear what

Jerry: Nothing baby

Quinn is my brother wife. I hated this gold digging bitch. I know a gold digger when I see one. I gave her my middle finger and walked away to the table. We sat down and ate but not before my parents said some long ass prayer and tried praying for me and my friends. After that we ate. Just then my parents said they have an announcement.

Mom: As we all know me my husband are getting old. We were blessed enough to live until 64 years old. An my husband and I are sick. For the past years we both been battling cancer. This time it's taking over and there is no turning back. After today we are going to the hospital. This is the last time you will see us. So we gave each you something. Jerry our handsome only son, this house is yours and everything in it, Mary sweetie you are about to become a very rich girl. We are giving you all the money left in our bank accounts. Use it wisely, and Melissa sweetie I want you to take full custody of your sister, watch her, take care of her, and make her grow up into the great young women you are. I know you're father and I been hard on you lately but we just want the best for you. Don't think for second just because your gay we don't love you. I know we said you weren't our daughter and never wanted to talk to you again but we love you very much. We just said that out of anger. We are also giving you money to rebuild the agency. You're great at your job we love all of you very much and may God bless you all.

After that my dad brought me and the rest of us into a tight hug. I can't believe my parents were dying. I started crying uncontrollably, why was this happening to me?

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