Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

(Continue Rosy)

Today I was going to check out my college campus. It was orientation day for incoming freshmen's. I just recently got out the shower and body was filled with hickeys. I also felt weak. Melissa definitely made me feel good. She did an awesome job. Sex was amazing this morning. I looked at my naked body in the mirror as Melissa came behind me and wrapped her arms around me. She then felt up on me and her hands found my private area. My body began to tremble as she moved her fingers inside of me. After reaching my climax again she kissed my cheek and left. That's when I got dressed. When I made my way down stairs everyone stared at me.

Shelly: Somebody's pretty loud

Manny: For a second I thought she was up there killing you

Melissa: Lol ready to go baby

I shuck my head yes. I waved by to the other girls and we left. The way Melissa made me feel today my body was weak. She made me feel really good. It was kind of hard for me to stand as I leaned on the car for support. She just laughed at me and we pulled off.

Rosy: It's not funny

Melissa: Lol yes it is, you must be feeling really good

Rosy: I can't feel my vagina and it feels weird walking

Melissa: I've must have did a great job lol

Rosy: Lol how about awesome

Melissa: Lol

We laughed and that's when she got real serious. She stomped on the breaks real hard as she was about to crash into another car. We did have the light though. I don't understand why cars try and run red lights. She jerked the car and brought it to a stop. We were just inches away from a car accident. Just then look who pops out the car. Her mother and father. They knocked on the window and Melissa stepped out. She didn't shut her door all the way which means I could her and her parents argument.

Mom: Sweetie what your doing is wrong. We just wanna protect you. The last thing we want is to see you go to hell

Melissa: Why is it so fucking hard for you guys to understand I'm a lesbian. I don't like dick. Men don't make me happy. I'm a lesbian and there isn't shit neither of guys can do about. An if I'm going to hell I'm dragging you guys with

Just then her mom walked away and her father took his hands and wrapped around Melissa neck. He slammed her head on the car and he had a look of hatred in his eyes. I couldn't believe what eyes seeing, this man was chocking his daughter in broad daylight. Just then he started speaking.

Dad: If you ever used that tone and language in front of me and your mother again. I will beat your ass. I am your father young lady and you will show me some respect. I'm not to old to beat your ass and you ain't too old to get your ass beat. If you know what's good for you, you and your little girlfriend will be at church this Sunday. I will pray for the both of you

After that he finally let go and walked off. She got back into the car gasping for air. He had such a strong grip on her neck you see his hands print left on her neck. She started the car and we drove the rest of the way in silence. She was trying not to cry and I didn't wanna bother her. She gave me hug before I got out. As she pulled off I seen the same bitch that bullied me in high school. College should be fun.

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