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Emma had finally got out of the hospital and she was walking home when she walked into someone. He had black hair and blue eyes.
"I'm sorry. I should've been watching where I was going"
Emma said with a smile
"It's okay. I'm Damon"
The man said
"I'm Emma"
"You're gorgeous Emma"
"Thank you. You're pretty handsome yourself"
"Here's my number. Call me"
Damon said writing his number onto Emma's hand
"I will thanks"
Emma said as she waved at him and then walked home.  She was smiling as she walked into the house
"Why are you so smiley?"
Jenna said looking at Emma
"I met a boy"
Emma said smiling. She walked upstairs and called the number that Damon had written onto her hand
Emma said
"Emma isn't it?"
Damon replied
"Yeah we met earlier"
"I remember you"
"Can we meet tomorrow?"
"Yeah sure. Where?"
"At the mystic grill?"
"I'll be there at 4?"
"See you then Damon"
Then Emma put down the phone and smiled to herself. It was the next day and Emma and Damon walked into the Mystic grill and everyone else was already sat at a table but Emma and Damon sat together away from them. Stefan looked at them and then turned back to Elena. Damon and Emma started talking
"I can read people like they're a book"
"Read me then"
"Let me guess you want a love that consumes you. You want passion, an adventure."
"It's like you can read my mind Damon"
"I wish I could"
"You're amazing Damon"
"So are you Emma"
"I wish I'd met you years ago. You really are amazing"
"I know it's probably too soon but"
"But what Damon?"
"Emma, will you be my girlfriend"
"Of course I will Damon"
Emma and Damon both stood up and hugged and Damon kissed Emma on the cheek before they both walked out. When Emma got to the Salvatore house she leant over and whispered to Damon
"You do know I know you're a vampire don't you?"
"Of course I do"
Damon said smiling at her. Emma had known about the supernatural since she was about 10 years old because she got attacked by a vampire and they told her everything and forgot to compel her to forget. Emma and Damon sat down in Damon's bedroom and talked for a while. Emma left as Stefan arrived and Emma went home.

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