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Everyone was at the party including Emma who was stood talking with Stefan. As soon as Elena arrived Stefan walked over to Elena and Emma went into the woods and saw Jeremy so they talked for a while until they heard Vicki shouting so they ran over and Jeremy shouted at Tyler and Tyler left. Vicki rolled her eyes at Jeremy and she walked further into the woods
"Don't you dare follow me"
Vicki said looking at Jeremy. Emma placed her hand onto her head and Jeremy looked at her.
"Emma come on up here"
He said taking her back up to the party. Stefan saw them and he walked over to Emma.
"Emma? Are you okay?"
Stefan said concerned. Emma smiled a little before she fainted falling into Stefan's arms. Stefan picked her up and carried her to his car.
"I'm going to take her to the hospital"
Stefan said looking at Elena who smiled at him and let him leave with Emma. Stefan took Emma to the hospital and then he went back to the party. When Stefan got there an ambulance was there and it was taking Vicki who had bite marks on her neck to the hospital. Stefan walked over to Elena.
"I'll see you later Stefan. I need to go home"
Elena said walking past Stefan.
Stefan went home
"What's going on?"
Zach said looking at Stefan
"Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach, and it wasn't me."
Stefan said before turning around and going to his bedroom but a crow appeared and Stefan spun around and saw a man stood on his balcony
"Hello Brother"
"Crow's a bit much, don't you think?"
" Wait till you see what I can do with the fog."
"When'd you get here?"
"Well, I couldn't miss your first day at school. Your hair's different. I like it."
"It's been 15 years, Damon."
"Thank God. I couldn't take another day of the nineties. That horrible grunge look? Did not suit you. Remember, Stefan, it's important to stay away from fads."
" Why are you here?"
"I miss my little brother"
"You hate small towns. It's boring. There's nothing for you to do."
"I've managed to keep myself busy."
" You know, you left that girl alive tonight. That's very clumsy of you."
" Ah. That can be a problem...for you."
"Why are you here now"
"I could ask you the same question. However, I'm fairly certain your answer can be summed up all into one little word...Elena."
Damon said smiling at his brother before adding
"She took my breath away. Elena. She's a dead ringer for Katherine. Is it working, Stefan? Being around her, being in her world? Does it make you feel alive?"
"She's not Katherine."
"Well, let's hope not. We both know how that ended. Tell me something, when's the last time you had something stronger than a squirrel?"
"I know what you're doing, Damon. It's not gonna work."
"Yeah? Come on. Don't you crave a little?"
Damon starts hitting Stefan.
"Stop it."
"Let's do it. Together. I saw a couple girls out there. Or just, let's just cut to the chase, let's just go straight for Elena"
"Stop it"
"Imagine what her blood tastes like!"
Stefan's face transforms.
"I can."
"I said stop!"
Stefan runs into Damon, throwing him out of the window. When he lands on the pavement, Damon isn't there.
"I was impressed. I give it a six. Missing style, but I was pleasantly surprised. Very good with the whole face...thing. It was good."
"You know, it's all fun and games, Damon, huh? But wherever you go, people die."
"That's a given."
"Not here. I won't allow it."
"I take that as an invitation."
"Damon, please. After all these years, can't we just give it a rest?"
"I promised you an eternity of misery, so I'm just keeping my word."
"Just stay away from Elena."
" Where's your ring? Oh, yeah, sun's coming up in a couple of hours, and, poof, ashes to ashes. Relax. It's right here."
Damon grabs Stefan by the throat and throws him against the garage.
"You should know better than to think you're stronger than me. You lost that fight when you stopped feeding on people. I wouldn't try it again. I think we woke Zach up. Sorry, Zach."
Damon turned around and walked into the house. Stefan stood up and followed him inside.
Elena walked over to Jeremy
"Jenna's going to pick us up and she wants us to go see Emma"
Elena said looking at Jeremy
"I know why she fainted Elena"
Jeremy said looking at his sister
"Because of drugs"
"You've gave her some?"
"She's older than me I can't say no and if I do it then so can she"
Jeremy said as he walked off to Jenna's car. Jenna smiled at Elena and Jeremy and then they went to the hospital. They walked into Emma's room.
"Hey Emma. How are you?"
Jenna said looking at Emma. Emma smiled a little and then she fell asleep.

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