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You reach in and pull out a small bag of candy corn. You're absolutely perplexed. You only know one troll candy corn would symbolize, and you seriously doubt he would put it into the hat. You glance over at him. He seems unphased and not concerned in the least bit. That is, until John spoke up.

"Karkat, it's your turn!" He shouted happily. "You have to go in the closet with her." He gestures over to you.

Karkat scowled. Not his normal scowl. He actually scowled. "And why would I do that, you fucking shitsponge?"

John's expression didn't even falter. "Come on! If you don't go in the closet with her, you'll have clean up duty."

"So?" Karkat retorted. "Get this into your thinking pan: I don't care."

It was at this point that Eridan spoke up. "Well in that case, I wouldn't mind going in the closet with her and giving you a little something to clean up." He looks over and winks at you.

You shiver. "What? My puke?"

As everybody in the room began laughing, Eridan got all butthurt and sauntered of to gog-knows-where.

John persisted in trying to convince Karkat to play the game as it was intended.

"FINE!" Karkat shouts. "I'll do it. To get it over with. But that means somebody will have to clean up my puke."

He roughly grabs your hand and drags you into the closet, slams the door, and kicks the wall when he hears the lock click. "FUCK YOU TOO!" He shouts.

You plop onto the floor and hold back tears. This is truly more of a stressful experience rather than the sexual one you had in mind.

He sits down next to you. You sit in silence for what seems like forever until you decide not to be a pussy. You slap him. Hard. You wish you could see his expression through the darkness.

"You know what? How about fuck you." You murmur.

You close your eyes and a tear rolls down your cheek. Then, out of no where, he hugs you. "I'm sorry." He says reluctantly.

You barely hear the apology because, holy shit, this troll, whom only ever shows his anger and worry, is hugging you. You feel your face turn a deep shade of red. And to make the moment even more feelsy. He takes your face and kisses you. As you expected, he was a bit rough, but it still felt as if the kiss had spread throughout your entire body.

He wraps his arms around you, and you sneak a hand to his pants button. He pulls away "What the fuck are you doing?" He asks frantically.

You bite your lip. "I'm so sorry, I just-"

He interrupts you by smashing his face back into yours. You don't resist. Why would you want to? This time it was him who led the... shenanigans. His hand slid across your inner thigh gracefully, and you hold back a moan. He began to pull your shirt over your head, when he heard the door begin to open. He flew back, and you were left with your shirt pulled over your face. The door swings open AND ALMOST EVERYBODY IN THE PARTY STARES AT YOU.

You struggle to pull your shirt back down. And Karkat, hesitating at first, helped you. "I'm going home." He yells to the speechless room. "And I'm taking her." He says quietly. He grabs your hand and pulls you out the closet, and to the front door.

You awkwardly wave goodbye to everybody as he drags you into the cool, night air.

Seven Minutes in Homestuck HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now