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You're sitting on the couch at Strider's party, when suddenly, a wild Roxy appears! Her drunk ass jumps onto the coffee table. "Everybody listen app. We's gonna play seven minutes in *hic* heaven, so everybody has to put a something into my shirt and-" You forcefully pull Roxy down.

"Roxy, what are you thinking?!" You ask, wide eyed. "I know you're drunk but-"

"I'm just trying to liven up this party gurl!" Roxy slurred. "And, you could liek, tots hook up with your crush and get crazy in the closet! Wonk!" Then, she started with the eyebrows.

"Blimey, I think it would be a great idea! I'm always up for an adventure!" Jake exclaimed.

"Hey, asshat! Not everybody wants to play this retarded fucking human game! There's not even any point of it gogdamnit!" Karkat yelled, scowling.

~ Time skip of plenty of yelling and arguing from both human and troll parties ~

In the end, much to you, karkat, and a few others' dismay, it was decided that everybody would have to play, and whoever refused would be on cleanup duty, and if the party goes the way Roxy wants if to, you would be cleaning up a little more than just trash, if you know what I mean. Fortunately, Dirk had been carrying an extra hat around for ironic purposes, and everybody dropped an object into there, instead of Roxy's shirt.

"'You go furst' AC says, holding the hat out to you and thinking all of the shipping pawsabilities." Nepeta says excitedly.

You reach in and...

Seven Minutes in Homestuck HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now