John Egbert

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You reach in and pull out a copy of "Con Air." You know exactly who this belongs to. You blush and close your eyes. "John?" You squeak, feeling your face turn redder with each passing second.

John bounds up to you with a big smile. "Wasn't it an awesome thing to put in?!" He exclaims taking the copy from you. You nod, even though you think that the movie was a unfortunate mistake from the beginning. He then happily grabs your hand and runs to the closet with you. Roxy follows and closes the door behind you, all the while wiggling her eyebrows like the perverted drunk she is.

You sit together in the darkness awkwardly, until quite suddenly, you feel a hand on yours. Hesitant at first, John leans towards you, slot gaining confidnce. You feel his breath on your face, and it makes you feel refreshed, but you suppose that's what happens when a heir of breath is leaning in to kiss you...

You smile and close the almost non-exsistant gap between you. His lips are soft, and they feel amazing against yours. He wraps his arms around you and you run your hand trough his silky hair. His tongue slides past your lips and explores the inside of your mouth, shy at first, but growing more brave by the second.

After several minutes of sloppy makeouts, you pull away and rest your head on his shoulder. "Oh man, this reminds me of that moment when Nic Cage confesses his feelings for-" Before John can finish, the closet floods with light.

Vriska peers into the small space, looking from you to John. "John, I am so disappointed with you. You're supposed to be a winner. Winners get girls' shirts off and Don't pussy out. Jegus! I command that you take her home tonight and finish the job!" Vriska scolds, as if she had taught him better. You giggle as Johns face turns ten shades of red.

"Ummm, well it's not really my choice. Also, I honestly think that I did a pretty good job, for my first kiss." John replies, rubbing the back of his neck. He glances over to you. "Would you like to come to my place after this?"

You nod. "As long as you let me stay the night..." You reply flirtatiously.

His eyes widen and Vriska grabs John by the wrist and pulls him out of the closet, ready to give him a lecture on getting bitches. You follow behind, smiling and wiping saliva off of your mouth.

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