Dirk Strider

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You reach in and feel something soft and plush brush against your fingertips. Curious, you take hold and pull it out. It's a smuppet! "Oh fuck, no!" Dave shouts, nearly falling off of the couch. You throw it onto Dave's chest and laugh as he flips his shit.

Dirk walks up to you smirking. He grabs your hand without a word and leads you to the closet. Jake nervously eyes you two and slowly shuts the door behind you. You hear the lock click, because for whatever reason, the closet lock is on the outside of the door. You frown a bit and wonder if Dirk would make a move on you, considering the fact that he appears to be a bit more comfortable with the male gender, if you know what I mean. You sure hope he says something, at the very least, because it's starting to get awkward, but in an ironic sort of way.

You get really tired of that ironic silence bullshit, lean over, and give him a peck on the cheek.

You know it's lame, but it's the most you can do, what with the uncertainty of his sexuality.You sigh, and suddenly feel a hand on your thigh. You tense up as you feel strider's other hand cup your cheek.

"Hey, stop being so weird about this, it's how you play the game. Just roll with it." He whispers into your ear. It sends shudders up your spine. You decide you can't hold it back anymore, and desperately grab his face, pressing your lips to his and tasting the orange chapstick he had applied. He moves his hand from your thigh to your ass, and passionately pushes his tongue between you lips.

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you try to regain dominance. You rebel to no avail, but you should've known not to try and top a Strider. You give up and allow him to have his fun, and he slisp his hand into your pants,.tugging at your underwear.

Just as you begin to undo his pants, the door swings open. As Jake stares at you in disbelief, Dirk quickly removed his hand. "Well, consider my jimmies rustled!" Jake muttered, trying not to show how upset he really was.

Dirk stood up and whispered something in Jake's ear. Whatever it was, it cheered Jake right up. As Dirk strode away, you felt a twinge of pain. He turned around an gave you a small smile. Well, the whole ordeal was worth it, even if you had to feel a bit bad afterwards. After all, Dirk was in your pants! He seemed pretty cool doing it, too. Maybe he would do it again?

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