XXXIV. My Time

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Dorian had taken it upon himself to make food for everyone. Luca and I sat at the counter and Dax had left. Harley was still healing Hayden, but I could tell that she was almost done and completely exhausted. Her body was slumped down on the floor, with her eyes closed and her hands still on Hayden's body.

How is this the new normal? My fiancé almost dying. My friends in danger and preparing for war against the titans. How did we just accept that this is what we all have to do for the sake of – me. If I had never come down to the Underworld, none of this would be happening. Perhaps I would be dead, but at least I wouldn't need several Gods to fight in a war that they didn't start.

I felt like closing my eyes and running. Back to Earth, back to the normal that used to feel normal. When my brother was just my rebellious brother, and the gods were just names on the paperwork I filed. My life was so simple and easy. I want it back. But there was no where I could go with my belly growing every day and Hayden's baby rushing to enter the world and be the next King.

My son will be King. Yet, I will never get to see him as one. It was likely I won't even see him when he is born. My only time to bond with him was while he was still in my belly.

I had already arranged everything I needed to leave behind when I go. Everything that Hayden would need to know to raise the baby. The names I liked and the way I hoped he would parent him. And finally, a way to only leave his DNA cruising through our son's blood so he is never exposed to the wrath of the titans the way we were. I knew that if Hayden hesitated, Harley and Penelope would convince him that it was for the best.

I had made the decision to call Rory once Harley finished. There was no way that she was going to go home alone, when she could hardly stand. Her skin was pale, and she looked like she really did belong in the world of the undead. Hayden was still asleep, while Dorian was helping Harley off the floor. She looked the worst I had ever seen her. Like she'd been ambushed by the titans with us. I felt guilty for doing that to her. But what would have been my alternative? Letting Hayden's body die?

"Harley, thank you." I refrained from hugging her or touching her. She looked so fragile and in so much pain. Dorian was holding her entire weight. Her eyes were squinting, and she just managed a short smile.

A thundering knock landed on our door. I was glad to see Rory's face. I knew he would take care of Harley better than any of us could. He looked furious, which I assumed he would be. He would never willingly let Harley take on so much, even if it was to save his brother.

"What happened?" He lifted Harley into his arms. He lovingly brushed her hair from her face, examining her face. They had been together forever, yet his look was still longing and loving towards her.

"We were ambushed by titans in the hospital. We almost made it out of there. Hayden was hurt and he told me to call Harley." When his eyes snapped over at me, I could tell he was angry for making the call without telling him.

"Why didn't you call us at the hospital?" He asked, but he wasn't interested in my reply, already making his way towards the door and slamming the door shut behind him. I knew I was being selfish, caring about my fiancé more than Harley and practically asking Harley to switch places with him, but what else was there to do?

The feeling of guilt was daunting. A thunder strike traveling down through my stomach. As I glanced at Hayden and his clear, cut free face and body, his clothes still soaked in blood, but his body almost completely healed and his face having some colour, I felt better.

Dorian carried Hayden to our bedroom and I undressed him and cleaned up his face and hands. Dorian tidied up in the living room and I gave him a spare pillow and duvet so he could crash there for a night.

By the time 8PM rolled around, Luca was already yawning and struggling to stay awake. I insisted we all had an early night and got some sleep to recover from the days emotions. I sat on the side of Luca's bed reiterating that I was okay and explaining to him what happened. I found myself making excuses for Chase. I felt bad for Luca and wanted to provide some light in his life, but it was hard to defend Chase after seeing him with the rest of the titans. After relieving some of his worries and assuring him that I would look after him until we sorted something out, he'd fallen asleep with his hand in mine. The gesture was sweet and it would make me happy, if I hadn't thought about my baby. My son. Whose hand I will never hold. Who I won't even get to see. With tears collecting in my eyes, I collected myself off his bed and made my way back to my room.

I felt like sinking behind the bedroom door. My eyes traveled to Hayden, resting peacefully. After another minute, I put my pity aside and got a glass of water and placed it by his bed. I adjusted his pillow and softly touched his forehead to make sure he wasn't cold. I adjusted his covers, before finally submitting to get into the bed myself. I laid still, feeling completely empty. It was too quiet. I felt lost without Hayden. We usually talked until we both fell asleep. I looked to him, his body completely still. It made me insecure. I placed my hand on top of his stomach, waiting for his chest to rise and fall, and maybe it did, but it was so faint I could hardly feel it. I placed my hand above his lips and nose waiting for him to exhale, until his lips curled into a smile.

"What are you doing?" I jumped at the sound of his voice. My eyes began to tear up instantly. He took my hand into his and placed it on his stomach, holding onto me tight.


"You're overcompensating. I'm fine. Harley healed me. I'll do better next time. We'll be prepared next time." He turned on his side to look at me, groaning at the left over body pain. He was right. We were going to do better next time. We weren't prepared. We're always unprepared, but there wasn't much time left. The war was approaching.

"I know." I stuttered.

"Why are you crying?" He cupped my face with his hand, wiping the tears running down my chin. I felt so much relief having him beside me. He was all I needed and all I was missing. He completed me.


"What? What did he do?" He looked around as if he'd be around. His look held so much hate. He hated the titans. Big or small, it made no difference.

"No, he didn't do anything. He – he touched my belly and said that we were expecting a little boy." His face lit up. His hand instantly landed on my belly, slowly stroking it.

"We're having a boy?" He smiled. I nodded along with a smile.


Our awful, near death day had somehow flipped upside down and neither of us could be happier. It took so little for us to appreciate the time we had left. There wasn't time to dwell on the hours we spent fighting for our lives. There wasn't enough time. There will never be enough time. The sand was running out and we were nearly finished. We were at the end of the road and there was no happy ending there. No rainbow. No pot of gold. It was all going to end for me. But I will leave something behind and that's enough. 

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