Party Time

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Korra and Asami get home Korra mounts off Naga and carries Asami and heads straight to their master bedroom where they lock the door. The two change and have some alone time together. "Hello, wife." Says Korra. "Oh you talking to me my wife?" Says Asami. The two laugh. "Finally!" Says Korra. "Yes, finally." Says Asami.

Korra kisses Asami, where they just continue to make out. 15 minutes later Korra and Asami got dressed into their formal dresses. They then walk out and everyone was there in their seating arrangements. Everyone was mingling with one another. Korra and Asami walk outside and was announced as "Mrs. & Mrs. Sato" spoken by Bolin.

Korra and Asami had their first dance together. Everyone throughout the night talked and danced.

As both brides sit at their tables together they talk. "I guess this is it." Says Korra. "What is?" Asks Asami. "The next step into our new life." Says Korra.

"Dad?" Korra asks as she approaches Tonraq. "Yes, Korra?" Asks Tonraq. "Can you and Mom stay here at the estate while Asami and I are on our Honeymoon?" Korra asks. "Sure, what for?" Asks Tonraq. "Well someone has gotta take care of my sweet Naga." Says Korra. "Of course." Says Tonraq.

The night ended with Korra and Asami giving hugs goodbye to everyone. Korra and Asami leave on Asami's airship.
The two then leave for Ba Sing Se.

To be continued in the next book: "Our Miracle"...

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