I Do

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It was the next day, and was around 10 in the morning. Senna was the first awake so she could prep brunch for Korra and Asami and so both brides are out of each other's sight.

Senna checks on Korra first. "Korra, sweetheart." Senna asks as she gently shakes Korra on the shoulders and taps her. "Not now, Asami 5 more minutes." Says Korra. "Korra, it's mom. You need to tell me what you want to eat." Says Senna. "I don't care, you're cooking is always the best." Says Korra. "Okay. Just remember to get ready, because today is the wedding." Says Senna. "Uh huh whatever." Says Korra. After Senna leaves the room Korra gets ready for the day and showers.

Senna goes to check on Asami. Senna knocks at Asami's door. Asami wakes up after Senna knocks on the door a few times. "Who is it?" Asami shouts. "Asami, it's Senna." Senna tells Asami. "Come on in." Says Asami. Senna opens the door. "I thought it be nice to make you and Korra breakfast and bring it to you both so you two can avoid running into each other." Says Senna. "Thank you but I already ate." Says Asami. "Okay." Said Senna.

Senna goes to make Korra, Tonraq, and herself breakfast and within minutes it was all ready. Senna brings breakfast up. Korra eats and so does Tonraq and Senna.

A few hours later Mako arrived. Mako knocks at Asami's door. "Asami, it's Mako." Said Mako. "Hold on." Asami shouts. Asami was getting her dress on. Asami was zipping her dress but needed help zipping up the rest of her dress. "Mako, I need some help please!" Asami shouts. Mako walks in and helps Asami. "You know the last time I saw you dressed like this was Varrick and Zhu Li's wedding." Asami says teasing Mako. "Honestly I'm excited for you to see Korra." Says Mako. "I am too." Said Asami.

Senna who was already dressed was helping Korra get changed while Tonraq was getting ready. "Korra, you look amazing. I can't believe my only daughter and only child is getting married." Says Senna. "I'm going to go get your father." Says Senna. "Okay." Says Korra. Senna gets Tonraq who was dressed and ready. Tonraq follows Senna to see Korra all dressed up looking like a true modern bride. "Korra, sweetheart you look absolutely gorgeous, I'm so happy for you." Says Tonraq with a smile as his tears begin to jerk up. "Are you crying?" Asks Korra. "No, it's just tears of pride. You're my only daughter and I can't believe that my baby girl is getting married." Says Tonraq. "Stop getting all cheesy." Says Korra, giving her dad an affectionate punch on the arm. Korra begins to tear up a bit. "Look who is crying now." Says Tonraq. Korra chuckles as she hugs her parents.

Asami in her bedroom thanks Mako and has a heart to heart with Mako. "You nervous?" Asks Mako. "Kind of but mostly excited." Says Asami. "I'm going to make sure Korra and her family is ready." Says Mako. "Also is the ceremony decorations ready?" Asks Asami. "Yep." Mako says smiling.

Mako checks on Korra and her parents. "You all ready?" Asks Mako. "Yep." Says Korra. "Nervous?" Asks Mako. "Kind of but don't tel anyone." Says Korra. "Cross my heart." Says Mako. "Dad, can you please get Naga ready?" Asks Korra. "Of course, only because your suit is custom made and it's your wedding day." Says Tonraq. "Thanks, Dad." Says Korra.

Asami kindly ordered her severance to start setting up for the reception.

20 minutes later Naga was ready. Korra and her parents get on Naga and ride her to the park for the wedding. Several minutes after Korra leaves on Naga with her parents, Asami leaves with Mako in Asami's car which Mako drives. When Korra and her parents along with Naga arrives all the guests were there waiting.

Korra's parents walk her down the isle as everyone stands. After Korra reaches the end of the isle she hugs her parents and they give her a small kiss on her cheeks. Tonraq gives Bolin the necklaces. A couple of minutes later Asami makes it and was at the beginning of the isle locking arms with Mako as Mako walks Asami down the isle. "Thanks Mako." Asami whispers. "No problem." Says Mako. Korra happily smiles at her bride. Everyone continues to stand as Asami walks down the isle. Asami and Mako hug.

Asami meets Korra at the end of the isle. "Wow, babe you look amazing." Korra whispers. Asami blushes. "You too." Asami whispers. Korra blushes. "We are gathered here today in harmony and holy matrimony to celebrate the love between these two women, Avatar Korra and Asami Sato." Bolin says. "Korra and Asami I already know you both have written your own vows so which ever one of you want to go first may start." Says Bolin. "I'll go first," Says Korra. "Asami, as you may know I don't always do good with sharing my feelings, but I do truly love you so very much. The first time I fell in love with you was after I was poisoned with mercury and during the first few weeks of my recovery you were the one who was there for me and took care of me when I couldn't be there or take care of myself and it was no accident I only wrote to you and was telling you how I was doing and feeling, it's because I had that strange empty feeling in me and my heart had a piece missing which I didn't know what it was or what that piece was, but that feeling was love and that missing piece was you. When we had our first kiss in the spirit world you made my heart feel whole. Every time I'm with you I feel complete, happy, and loved. I knew that we were meant to be because all my life I was told I was too wild, too emotional, too intense, but turns out you were the same; you were just as wild and intense as me. Anyways I promise to always keep us safe, keep you happy, always give you and show you my love and affection, and anything you need, because you are my world, you have always been there for me when I need someone and a shoulder to lean and cry on and I love you, also do you promise to tell me when I'm being a jerk?" Says Korra. Asami giggles. "I promise," Says Asami.

"Korra you are my love, my world, you make me happy, even though you were gone for 3 years, and all that time you were away and wondering if you would ever come back, and each baring moment waiting, made me keep wanting you. When you finally came back and the chaos was over and we finally had some alone time and went on vacation to the spirit world and after our first kiss there which you happily accepted, made me happy. ... You are a strong, confident, and badass woman. You are also a bit of a dork sometimes, which is what makes you so cute and adorable and that's okay though, because you are my dork. You are always there to protect me when I need help. It's been an amazing 4 years together as a couple and an awesome 12 years as friends and I can't wait to see what is in our future. I love you, Korra." Says Asami. "I love you too." Says Korra.

Bolin gives Asami Korra's necklace. "Korra do you take Asami to be your beloved wife in sickness and in health and until death do you part?" Asks Bolin. "I do." Says Korra. Asami puts the necklace on Korra. Bolin then gives Korra Asami's necklace. "And Asami do you take Korra to be your beloved wife in sickness and in health and until death do you part?" Asks Bolin. "I do." Asami says. Korra puts the necklace on Asami.

"I proudly pronounce you wife and wife. Brides you may kiss!" Says Bolin. Antsy Korra jumps as Asami excitedly smiles. Korra who was short compared to Asami who was also wearing heels. Korra uses earthbending to give herself a boost. Korra and Asami kiss.
Everyone cheers.

Korra and Asami walk down the isle on Naga and head home together. Mako takes Korra's parents home in Asami's car.

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