First Fittings & Booking

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5 weeks later and 7 months until the wedding. Korra and Asami walk to the bridal store together. "Avatar Korra and Ms. Sato, welcome back, are you both here for your fittings?" Asks the clerk. "Thank you and yes." Says Asami. "Korra if you could, please follow our bridal consultant Jazmine, here for your first fitting, that would be splendid," Said the clerk with a smile. Korra follows Jazmine to the dressing room. "Now Ms. Sato if you could please follow one of our other bridal consultant, Annaisha for your fitting that would be great." Says the clerk. Asami follows Annaisha to the dressing room.
Jazmine unzips the garment bag with Korra's bridal suit inside, where Korra watches with excitement. Korra tries on the suit and it fits her perfectly and she loved it.
Asami did the same thing in the other fitting room and tries on her dress. "How does it fit?" Asks Annaisha. "Perfectly!" Says Asami. "Good." Says Annaisha.
Asami and Korra leave their appointments five minutes later. "So how did your fitting go...?" Asami asks Korra. "Great!" Says Korra. "How about your fitting?" Asks Korra. "Good, I loved everything about my dress, the way it fits my curves." Says Asami as she teases Korra. "You say that about almost everything, because you do and I love seeing you show them off!" Says Korra, laughing. Asami chuckles. Asami kisses Korra on the cheek as the two walk together, holding hands. "Want to take a stroll in the park?" Asks Asami. "Sure." Says Korra with a smile and chuckle. The two walk to Avatar Korra Park. "Come on, I want to show you something!" Says Korra. "What is it?" Asks Asami as she runs holding Korra's hand, following her. "It's a surprise." Says Korra laughing. Korra leads Asami to a tree with carvings of multiple different hearts and the names or initials of romantic partners. "What is this?" Asks Asami. "Bolin and Opal found it after seeing couples do it so they decided to do it and then just last month when I was hanging out with Bolin talking he showed this tree to me and told me about it, so I thought that since we will be getting married we could write our names inside a heart." Says Korra. "Sounds perfect." Says Asami. Korra grabs a rock and bends it into shape and let's Asami put her initials first then Korra does a plus sign under Asami's initials then carves her own initials then carves a heart around their initials. "AS for Asami Sato." Says Korra. "And AKS for Avatar Korra Sato, which is because in about 7 months we will be Mrs. & Mrs. Sato." Says Asami. "Yeah, we will." Says Korra.
"I love you." Says Asami as she picks Korra up a bit to give her fiancée a boost before kissing her. Korra was surprised and has a shocked expression on her face that Asami was holding her. "I love you too, but way more." Says Korra. Asami puts Korra back down on her feet.
The two happily stare and look at their names they carved on that old tree.
"I hope that someday if we ever have kids, that we can bring them here and show them how much we love each other and then take them to the spirit world." Says Asami. "Yeah, that would be nice." Says Korra as she leans her head on Asami. "What would be nice?" Asks Asami. "Having kids and bringing them and showering them our special spots." Says Korra. "Yeah, me too." Says Asami.
Korra and Asami sit by the tree cuddling together, where they make out together.

It was two days later, and it was the afternoon Korra and Asami had to book their honeymoon together. "I was thinking maybe Ba Sing Se, and I know we didn't have the best experience there the first time, but I think it would especially be romantic if it was just the two of us, because last time we were there was with the team, Tenzin, Jinora, Kai, and Bumi." Says Asami. "True and plus we weren't even dating then and we didn't completely develop feelings for each other." Says Korra. "Yeah, plus it's romantic." Says Asami.
"I'll call the Earth Kingdom President, and ask if he can reserve a house for us in the upper ring of Ba Sing Se for our honeymoon." Says Korra. "Sounds perfect." Says Asami.
Korra calls the president. "Hello?" A man over the phone asks. "Yeah, hi this is Avatar Korra, is this President Heo?" Asks Korra. "Oh Avatar Korra, yes this is President Heo speaking, how many I help you?" President Heo asks. "I would like to see if I could reserve a house in the upper ring of Ba Sing Se in for my honeymoon in several months?" Korra asks. "Sure, of course anything for the Avatar." Says President Heo. "Thank you." Says Korra. The two end the call.
Korra gives Asami a sad look on her face. "So... what did he say?" Asks Asami. Korra continues to look sad. "Was it a no? Come on Korra, sweetie talk to me." Says Asami. Korra then immediately looks up with a smirk. "He said yes!" Says Korra. "How dare you!" Says Asami affectionately punching Korra on the shoulder.
Asami kisses Korra. The two chuckle and giggle together.
Korra moves to turn on the record player. "May I have this dance?" Korra asks. "Why, yes of course." Says Asami. Korra and Asami dance but Korra accidentally kept on stepping Asami's feet several times. But the two moved gracefully together each time they improved.
When they got better and they were done danc, Korra dips Asami and ends the dance with a kiss.
Korra puts Asami back up on her feet. Korra rushes upstairs. Asami curiously follows her. "Korra, wait up, where are you going?!" Asami asks, shouting. "Guess, you will have to catch up with me and find out." Says Korra.
Korra runs and looks behind her, where Asami was on her tail. Korra laughs and then accidentally trips but was unable to get away because Asami finally got her and was on top of her straddled over Korra's hips. "Looks like I got you now, Avatar." Says Asami with a grin.
Korra smiles at Asami with a smirk. Asami puts her hands on the floor above Korra's shoulders. Asami slides her hands under Korra's shirt and begins to kiss Korra. "Let's take this to the bedroom." Korra suggests. "I guess we should." Says Asami.
Asami gets up and runs off the the bedroom where Korra follows her.
Korra shuts the door behind her and Asami. Korra smiles. "Honey can you put your hands together like this?" Korra asks showing Asami what to do. Asami claps her hands together. Korra grabs Asami's clasped hands and raises them up against the wall pushing Asami to the wall as well, pining Asami. Korra gets closer and kisses Asami. Korra lets go of Asami and Asami wraps her arms around Korra.
Korra and Asami giggle. Korra innocently looks at Asami, begging to take off her lover's shawl and top for her. Asami agrees.
The two get to bed and to work.

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